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Pagina di snodo Tassonomia
Via delle Terme di Traiano, 5b

It is one of the largest water tanks from antiquity and since the Middle Ages this monumental complex gained the name Sette Sale (Seven Halls), although in reality

Cisterna romana di via Cristoforo Colombo Foto Sovrintendenza Capitolina
Via Cristoforo Colombo, s.n.c.

The monument was discovered around the 1940s, under a farmhouse that was demolished during the excavations carried out to build the via Imperiale, now via Cristoforo Colombo.

Cisterna romana monumentale Foto Parco Appia Antica
Via Centuripe

The so-called Roman Cistern or Nymphaeum, located in the Caffarella Park near via Latina, has recently reopened to the public aft

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5

Inaugurated in 1935 in the presence of King Victor Emmanuel III, the construction of the Città Universitaria (University City) had begun only three years earlier, when the project

Volta in conglomerato cementizio della Cloaca Maxima sotto il Foro di Nerva ph. Sovraintendenza Capitolina
Via del Velabro, 3

The largest of the still-functioning Roman drains, the Cloaca Maxima was the source of a water-drainage channel that ran from the

Colombari di via Taranto (detto anche di via Pescara) foto sito ufficiale
Via Pescara, 2

The two sepulchres are spread over an area crossed by the via Latina and via Labicana, an agricultural area characterized by the presence of the Claudian aqueduct.

Colombari di Vigna Codini Foto Parco archeologico Appia Antica
Via di Porta Latina

The Colombariums are located inside the Codini Vineyard, between the Scipioni Park and the Aurelian Walls, near Porta San Sebastiano, in an area o

Colombario di Pomponio Hylas
Via di Porta Latina, 10

The term columbarium refers to a burial chamber which walls are covered with rows of niches in which cinerary urns, small clay pots containing the ashes of the dec

Colombario di via Olevano Romano Foto Sovrintendenza Capitolina
Via Olevano Romano, 3

Along the sides of the via Prenestina, as was the case for the main road axes in Roman times, there were vast sepulchral areas formed largely by columbaria

Colonna della Pace
Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore

In front of the splendid Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, in the centre of the square of the same name

Colonna di Marco Aurelio (Antonina)
Piazza Colonna

The Column that stands in the center of the square having the same name was erected between the year of  the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD, and 193 AD.

Colonna Traiana
Via dei Fori Imperiali

Erected in 113 A.D. to celebrate the deeds of emperor Trajan in Dacia, the Trajan's Column was the first triumphal one - with decorations that spiral along the shaft - ever raised.

Complesso archeologico del Sessorio
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme

At the time of Augustus the whole area around the church was a residential quarter, with large villae and domus of the wealthiest families of the time.

Complesso del Foro Italico - Stadio dei Marmi
Piazza Lauro De Bosis

Located on the slopes of Monte Mario, the complex was conceived at the end of the 1920s by Renato Ricci, then president of the ONB - Opera Nazionale Balilla.

Complesso della basilica di Sant'Ippolito ph Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica
Via Col Moschin, 1, 00054 Isola Sacra RM

Grazie a una fortunata campagna di scavo iniziata nel 1970, nella zona adiacente al campanile romanico di Sant’Ippolito, è stata riportata alla luce una basilica cristiana

Complesso di Capo di Bove Foto Parco archeologico Appia Antica
Via Appia Antica, 222

The Capo di Bove archaeological complex is located on the fourth mile of the Via Appia Antica, not far from the Mausoleum of Cecilia Metella.

Via di San Michele, 25

More than 300 meters long and covering an area of ​​over 25 thousand square meters, the monumental complex overlooking the

Borgo Santo Spirito, 1-2

The origins of the Complex date back to 727 AD, when the king of the Saxons INA established the "Schola Saxonum" to give hospitality to the pilgrims headed to the Tomb of the Apostle Peter.

Via di Valle delle Camene

Owned by the municipality of Rome, this simple and enchanting small building on the slopes of the Caelian is a

Criptoportico neroniano Foto Parco Colosseo

The Cryptoporticus is part of the Domus Tiberiana complex, the first imperial palace built on the

Crustumerium foto sito ufficiale
Via della Marcigliana, 1052

The town of Crustumerium stood between Eretum, today's Monterotondo, and Fidenae and was located on a plain overlooking the Tiber valley and the ancient

Via delle Botteghe Oscure, 31

The theatre was built by L. Cornelius Balbus the Younger in the year 13 AD, behind the Portico d’Ottavia in the heart of the current Jewish quarter.

Foro Romano

The imposing and severe brick building on the edge of the Roman Forum owes i

Deposito Pleistocenico de La Polledrara di Cecanibbio-Foto Sovrintendenza Speciale di Roma

The La Polledrara deposit is located about 20 km north-west of Rome, between the via Aurelia and Boccea and constitutes one of the richest paleontological deposits in exist

Domus Aurea
Via della Domus Aurea, 1

After the fire of 64 AD, which destroyed much of the center of Rome, Emperor Nero began the construction of a new residence, that for its splendor went down in history with the name of Domus Aurea.

Foto da video INPS
Via dell'Amba Aradam, 5

In 1959, during the works for the construction of the new INPS headquarters,  came to light the remains of an archaeological complex, the structures of which have been traced back

Domus Parthorum Foto sito Sovrintendenza Archeologica
Viale Guido Baccelli

The so-called Domus Parthorum, or House of the Parthians, is an ancient monumental complex, not yet fully investigated, located inside the current "Nando

Domus Romana sotto il Convento di Santa Susanna foto sito ufficiale
Via XX Settembre, 14

Located in the Rione Trevi, the
