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Pagina di snodo Tassonomia
Arco di Settimio Severo
Via dell'Arco di Settimio

To the emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus Parthicus Arabicus Parthicus Adiabenicus, son of Marcus, father of his country, Pontifex Maximus, in the eleventh year of h

Fori Imperiali
Via dei Fori Imperiali

The Imperial Fora are a monumental architectural complex, formed by a series of buildings and monumental squares, the centre of the political activity of ancient Rome, built in a p

Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo
Lungotevere Castello , 50

Located a few steps from St.

Fontana Sallustiana
Fontana Sallustiana, Via Friuli, 00187 Roma RM

In the Rione Ludovisi, on the corner between Via Leonida Bissolati, Via Sallustiana and Via Friu

Obelisco di Piazza del Popolo

Rome is the city with the most obelisks in the world. Obelisks of Egyptian manufacture arrived in Rome from the time of Augustus when Egypt was under Roman control.

Musei Vaticani

As a collection of ancient sculptures, the first group was begun by Julius II (1503-13) but it was Clement XIII (1758-69) who had the Secular Museum created with the assistance of

Il Tevere

According to legend, the history of Rome begins right here

Piazza del Colosseo

Probably the most famous monument in the world and a symbol of the greatness of Rome, the Flavian Amphitheater, better known as the Colosseum for the colossal bron

MAXXI veduta esterna Foto: Musacchio Ianniello & Pasqualini Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

The idea of endowing Rome with a national museum dedicated to contemporary arts took shape in 1997 when the then Ministry of Cultural Heritage obtained fr

La lupa dei Musei Capitolini
Via delle Tre Pile , 1

The birth of Musei Capitolini dates from 1471, when Pope Sisto IV gave the roman people a set of bronze statues, forming the first set of the collection kept in th

Museo dell'Ara Pacis
Lungotevere in Augusta

The Ara Pacis is one of the greatest of all artistic works of the Ancients.

Piazza della Rotonda

“The most beautiful relic of ancient Rome, a temple so well preserved that it appears as the Romans must have seen it in their times,” so described it the French writer Stendhal in the 19th century

Parco Regionale dell'Appia Antica
Via Appia Antica , 42

The Regional Park of the Appian Way offers you an unforgettable experience in a setting full of charm, where nature and archaeological monuments melt in harmony, elements that have

Studi di Cinecittà EntrataStorica@AndreaMartella
Via Tuscolana , 1055

A walk through the history of Cinema

Via Margutta
Via Margutta

"Noble simplicity and quiet grandeur": this is how the great art historian Johann Joachim Winkelmann (1717-1768) described this small street in the center of Rome.

Galleria Borghese

Located in the heart of the city, a few steps from the most refined shopping streets and elegant Roman houses, the

Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi

A trip inside the museums between Piazza Navona and its surroundings