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The Imperial Fora are a monumental architectural complex, formed by a series of buildings and monumental squares, the centre of the political activity of ancient Rome, built in a p
The archaeological area of the Tomb of the Scipios is located along the urban stretch of the ancient Vi
A fantastic Zoo located in the heart of the city, just inside the Villa Borghese gardens, an

Near Piazza del Popolo, in the reclaimed Spazio Flaminio, a former ATAC bus depot dating back to 1877, you will find an area especially for children from 3 to 12 years old, school groups and famili
Galleria Colonna, an authentic jewel of the Roman Baroque located inside the palace of the same name
As a collection of ancient sculptures, the first group was begun by Julius II (1503-13) but it was Clement XIII (1758-69) who had the Secular Museum created with the assistance of
The history of the Casal de’ Pazzi Museum

The Galleria Nazionale, opened in Rome in 1883, was transferred to Valle Giulia for the Universal Exhibition of 1911.

The Museum of the Imperial Fora, in the Trajan's Markets, is topographically and conceptually linked to the impressive urban system of the Imperial Fora: of Caesar
The birth of Musei Capitolini dates from 1471, when Pope Sisto IV gave the roman people a set of bronze statues, forming the first set of the collection kept in th
The Casina delle Civette (The House of the Owls) is the result of a series of transformations and additions carried out on the 19th century Swiss Hut, the prince's

The Carlo Bilotti Museum is located in the old Orangery at Villa Borghese, which during the eighteenth century was referred to as the "Casino dei Giuochi d’Acqua" due to the many fountains and nymp
The Ara Pacis is one of the greatest of all artistic works of the Ancients.

Inside Porta San Sebastiano, one of the biggest and best-preserved inside the
Located in one of the Capital’s most lively and beloved neighbourhoods, the Museum of Roma in Trastevere is housed in the former monastery of Sant'Egidio, where th
Comprising a prestigious collection of ancient sculptures - Assyrian, Egyptian, Cypriot, Phoenician, Etruscan and Greco-Roman art, the Giovanni Barracco Museum of Ancient Sculpture was donated to t

In the heart of Rome between Via della Lungara and the Gianicolo Hill, you can find a magical place where to walk away from the chaos of the city, and enjoy the sp
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