The Capitoline museums | Turismo Roma
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The Capitoline museums

La lupa dei Musei Capitolini
Esedra di Marco Aurelio
Musei Capitolini
Marforio ai Musei Capitolini
Tabularium dei Musei Capitolini
Galata Morente ai Musei Capitolini
Panorama dalla Terrazza Caffarelli

The birth of Musei Capitolini dates from 1471, when Pope Sisto IV gave the roman people a set of bronze statues, forming the first set of the collection kept in the Laterano till then. Afterwords, the popes increased these collections with works coming from the excavations of Rome, the Vatican or purchased purposely for the musuem, as the Collezione Albani.

At the end of the 19th Century, the archaeological collections remarkably enriched with the findings of the excavations during the edification of entire areas of the city, already became capital of Italy.

The collections of the Musei Capitolini are exposed inside the two buildings that together with the Palazzo Senatorio bound Piazza del Campidoglio, Palazzo dei Conservatori and Palazzo Nuovo, linked together with an underground gallery housing the Galleria Lapidaria and leading to the ancient Tabularium, whose monumental arcades overlook the Roman Forum.

The collections of ancient sculptures outcoming from the big noble families of past centuries are kept in the Palazzo Nuovo. Besides, the collections of philosophers and roman emperors' busts as the statues of Galata Morente and Venere Capitolina and the stately statue of Marforio dominating the courtyard are very famous too.

Palazzo dei Conservatori shows the architectural nucleus of the building, decorated with wonderful frescos displaying the stories about Rome and ennobled by the ancient Capitoline bronzes: la Lupa, lo Spinario, il Bruto Capitolino. The windowpane room recently realized on the first floor of the building preserves the equestrian bronze statue of Marco Aurelio, formerly on the Capitoline square, and the impressive ruins of the Tempio di Giove Capitolino, flanked by a section dedicated to the most ancient history of the Campidoglio.

In the chronologically ordered path going from late Middle Ages to the 18th Century on the second floor, the Pinacoteca Capitolina presents works of great significance as the paintings of Caravaggio, the big painting of Guercino Il seppellimento di Santa Petronilla and a large set of paintings of Guido Reni and Pietro da Cortona. In the Palazzo Caffarelli-Clementino there are the Medagliere Capitolino with its rich collections of coins, medals, gems and jewels, as well as a room dedicated to the temporary exhibitions.

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POINT (12.482211 41.893485)
POINT (12.483342 41.892692)

24 and 31 December 9.30-14.00Last admission one hour before closing time
For updates and guidelines please check the official websiteBefore planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES

Online purchase:
Telephone booking: 
Visite tattili per ipovedenti e non vedenti
Visite guidate in lingua
Visite guidate
Visite didattiche per le scuole
Visite didattiche
Postazioni multimediali
Laboratori didattici
Consultazione di libri e cataloghi sugli artisti
Audioguide in lingua
Accessibile ai disabili
Accessibility: services available 
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Sì, parcheggio riservato in via delle Tre Pile, dopo il Portale Caffarelli. Si consiglia di comunicare tempestivamente la visita al numero 06 67102071
Reserved car parking spaces available on Via delle Tre Pile, after the Portal. Visitors are suggested to inform the museum staff in advance by calling +39 0667102071
Sí - Estacionamento reservado ubicado en Via delle Tre Pile justo después del Portal Caffarelli. Es aconsejable comunicar tempestivamente su visita, llamando al (+39) 06 67102071
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Ingresso dedicato in via delle Tre Pile 1 (ora chiuso per covid). Ingresso attuale dalla Piazza del Campidoglio tramite rampa mobile, piattaforma servoscala, ascensori e 4 montascale per raggiungere la Galleria Lapidaria che si trova nel Palazzo Nuovo
Dedicated entrance on Via delle Tre Pile 1 (temporarily closed due to COVID pandemic). Current entrance from Piazza del Campidoglio with sliding ramp, stairlift platform, lifts and 4 stairlifts to reach the Galleria Lapidaria in the Palazzo Nuovo
Entrada adaptada en Via delle Tre Pile, 1 (actualmente cerrada por Covid). Se accede por Piazza del Campidoglio mediante rampa movíl, plataforma salvaescaleras, ascensores y 4 montagargas para alcanzar la Galleria Lapidaria en el Palazzo Nuovo.
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Supporti tattili permanenti, visite tattili, percorsi tattili, libri tattili
Permanent tactile facilities, tactile tours, books and panels
Recursos táctiles permanentes, visitas táctiles, itinerarios táctiles, libros táctiles
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Due video LIS - on line e nella postazione touch-screen del Museo, visite su prenotazione con interpreti LIS
LIS videos in the touch-screen terminal and online; guided tours with LIS interpreters can be booked
Dos videos con lengua de señas (LIS) - on line y en el puesto touch -screen del Museo. Visitas con intérpretes de la lengua de señas (LIS) con reserva previa
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
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Musei Capitolini, Via delle Tre Pile , 1
Via delle Tre Pile , 1
41° 53' 36.546" N, 12° 28' 55.9596" E
Musei Capitolini, Piazza del Campidoglio , 1
Piazza del Campidoglio , 1
41° 53' 33.6912" N, 12° 29' 0.0312" E


To find out about all accessibility services, visit the Rome accessible section.

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Media gallery
Esedra di Marco AurelioMusei CapitoliniMarforio ai Musei CapitoliniTabularium dei Musei CapitoliniGalata Morente ai Musei CapitoliniPanorama dalla Terrazza Caffarelli

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