Museo Carlo Bilotti | Turismo Roma
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Carlo Bilotti Museum

Museo Carlo Bilotti
Museo Carlo Bilotti
Museo Carlo Bilotti
Museo Carlo Bilotti
Museo Carlo Bilotti
Museo Carlo Bilotti
Museo Carlo Bilotti

The Carlo Bilotti Museum is located in the old Orangery at Villa Borghese, which during the eighteenth century was referred to as the "Casino dei Giuochi d’Acqua" due to the many fountains and nymphs it contained.

The Orangery at Villa Borghese underwent several renovations over time, substantially altering both its structure and function.
After decades of falling into disrepair and improper use, the Orangery was renovated into a Museum to once again become a place for recreation and culture. The Museum currently houses paintings, sculptures and drawing donated to the Municipality of Rome by Carlo Bilotti, an Italian-American businessmen and internationally renowned collector The donation of twenty three artworks, includes a significant component of paintings and sculptures by Giorgio de Chirico, representing some of the more famous themes produced by this artist between the end of the twenties and the seventies. The donation also includes three portraits: one of Carlo Bilotti by the American Larry Rivers, one of Tina and Lisa Bilotti, produced in 1981 by the maestro of Pop Art, Andy Warhol, and one of Tina and Carlo Bilotti by Mimmo Rotella. The collection also showcases the great Cardinal in bronze by Giacomo Manzù. Subsequent to its opening, the Museum has added works by Consagra, Dynys, Greenfield-Sanders and Pucci.

To ensure the Museum remains open to new approaches in the field of contemporary art, there is space available alongside the permanent donation exhibition for temporary events to be staged.

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Museo Carlo BilottiMuseo Carlo BilottiMuseo Carlo BilottiMuseo Carlo BilottiMuseo Carlo BilottiMuseo Carlo Bilotti


POINT (12.4836 41.91359)
POINT (12.48332 41.91344)
Viale dell'Aranciera , 4
Viale Fiorello La Guardia , 6

Tuesday to Friday 10.00 - 16.00Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 19.0024 and 31 December 10.00 - 14.00Last admission half an hour before closingFor updates and guidelines please check the > official websiteBefore planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES.

Accessibile ai disabili
Punto vendita prodotti editoriali
Visite didattiche per le scuole
Visite guidate
Accessibility: services available 
Accessible entrance
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Accessible service
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Wheelchair path
Type of accessibility 
Partially accessible service
Con percorso pedonale parzialmente accessibile a sedie a rotelle
Pedestrian path partially accessible to two-wheeled chairs
Con recorrido peatonal parcialmente accesible para sillas de ruedas
Services for blind or partially sighted persons
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service
Services for children
Type of accessibility 
Accessible service


To find out about all accessibility services, visit the Rome accessible section.

Museo Carlo Bilotti, Viale dell'Aranciera , 4 41° 54' 48.924" N, 12° 29' 0.96" E
Museo Carlo Bilotti, Viale Fiorello La Guardia , 6 41° 54' 48.384" N, 12° 28' 59.952" E

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