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Pagina di snodo Tassonomia
Fontana Monumento a Giuseppe Gioachino Belli ph Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Piazza Giuseppe Gioachino Belli

“Nun fuss’antro pe ttante antichità
bisognerebbe nassce tutti cquì,
perché a la robba che cciavemo cquà
c’è, sor friccica mio, poco da dí”

Monumento a Trilussa ph. Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali Official Website
Piazza Trilussa

The monument, dedicated to one of the most famous Roman poets, stands in the square n

Mura Aureliane a Porta San Giovanni
Via di Porta San Sebastiano

The Aurelian Walls still surround the historic centre of Rome and are among the longest and best preserved ancient walls in the world.

Mura serviane a piazza dei Cinquecento
Via Giosuè Carducci, 1

Built in all probability during the mid-sixth century BC, the Servian Walls take their name from the sixth king of Rome, Servius Tullius.

Necropoli della via Laurentina (Tombe dei Claudii)-sito ufficiale Parco archeologico di Ostia Antica
Viale dei Romagnoli, 717

The Necropolis develops along the two sides of via Laurentina and a road connecting Ostia to the Pianabella area; later the tombs also occupied th

Necropoli di Porto all'Isola Sacra-Foto sito ufficiale Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica

The necropolis, identified and excavated in the 1920s and 1930s, stands on the sides of via Flavia, which connected Porto (Portus) with Os

Necropoli Ostiense (Sepolcreto Ostiense)
Via Ostiense, 190

Between the Rupe di San Paolo and the bend of the Tiber was a vast burial groun

Villa Celimontana
Via della Navicella, 12

Villa Celimontana is one of the most loved historical parks by the Romans.

Ninfeo della Villa dei Quintili foto Parco archeologico dell'Appia antica
Via Appia Antica, 290

The monumental two-storey nymphaeum overlooking Via Appia Antica, was the real entrance to the Quintili villa : from here, in fact, through a door

Via degli Annibaldi, s.n.c.

A nymphaeum (monumental fountain) dated back to the end of the first century BC and the beginning of the first century AD was discovered in 1895 during the works for the realization of Via degli An

Obelisco Agonale
Piazza Navona

This obelisk, brought from the Aswan excavation sites without inscriptions by order of Domitian, was decorated in Rome with original inscriptions written in hieroglyphics

Obelisco Aureliano (o di Antinoo)
Piazzale Napoleone I

A few steps away from the terrace of the Pincio, one of the most evocative

Obelisco Campense
Piazza di Monte Citorio

Located in Piazza di Monte Citorio, in front of the

Obelisco della Minerva (Minerveo)
Piazza della Minerva

L’Obelisco della Minerva: la storia curiosa di un elefante di pietra al centro dell’incantevole piazza della Minerva.

Obelisco Esquilino
Piazza dell'Esquilino

Also called Liberian Obelisk, the Esquiline Obelisk is located in Piazza dell'Esquilino behind the apse of the

Obelisco Flaminio
Piazza del Popolo
Obelisco Lateranense
Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano

Located in Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, near the

Obelisco Macuteo
Piazza della Rotonda

Together with the one visible today in the Villa Celimontana, it was originally erected in Heliopolis by Ramses II.

Obelisco Quirinale
Piazza del Quirinale

Similar to the Esquiline Obelisk - made of granite, about 15 metres high and without inscription

Obelisco Sallustiano di fronte alla chiesa della Ss. Trinità dei Monti
Piazza della Trinità dei Monti

Located in front of the church of the Santissima Trinità dei Monti, right

Obelisco Vaticano
Piazza San Pietro

.Located in front of St Peter’s Basilica and the charming

Palazzetto Le Roy (Farnesina ai Baullari o Piccola Farnesina)-Foto sito ufficiale Museo Barracco
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 166

The elegant Renaissance building is located near Campo de’ Fiori and has been hosting, since 194

Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana
Via della Navicella, 12

The building stands inside Villa Celimontana, near the

Palazzo Altemps-Foto sito ufficiale del Museo Nazionale Romano
Via di Sant'Apollinare, 46

Altemps Palace is located near Piazza Navona and is one of the seats of the

Palazzo Altieri
Piazza del Gesù, 49

In the heart of Rome's historical centre, in the Rione Pigna, stands this magnificent example

Foto Alberto Novelli, @BarberiniCorsini
Via delle Quattro Fontane, 13

Today seat of the National Gallery of Ancient Art together with Palazzo Corsini, Palazzo Barberini is the

Largo di Torre Argentina, 11

Overlooking the current Largo di Torre Argentina, the palace was built in stages on the remains of the Agrippa Baths, in an area of ​​particular historical and monumental importanc

Largo della Fontanella di Borghese, 22

Its principal façade is on Largo della Fontanella di Borghese, but the building occupies a large and irregular block between Via di Ripetta, Via dell’Arancio, Via di Monte d’Oro, V
