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Viernes 28 Marzo 2025
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Format: 03/28/2025
Format: 03/28/2025
desde 23-11-2024 hasta 30-03-2025
Via Nazionale , 194

An internationally renowned painter and sculptor who has been a protagonist since the late 1970s of the Italian Transavanguardia, the art movement theorized by art critic Achille B

Sotto il segno del Capricorno. La pittura in età adrianea-Foto: di Veronica Fondi, pannello con frammenti di intonaci dipinti, Villa Adriana, depositi di età adrianea
desde 18-12-2024 hasta 30-03-2025

The exhibition Under the Sign of Capricorn.

Luce sull’archeologia 2025-Foto: locandina ufficiale della manifestazione
desde 10-11-2024 hasta 30-03-2025
Largo di Torre Argentina , 52

Having now become an unmissable and consolidated event, the series of meetings - with free entry - on history, archeology and art at the

Tiziano, Lotto, Crivelli e Guercino. Capolavori della Pinacoteca di Ancona-Foto: Tiziano Vecellio, Pala Gozzi (1520), particolare
desde 26-11-2024 hasta 30-03-2025
Piazza del Campidoglio , 1

The ground floor rooms of Palazzo dei Conservatori at the Capitoline Museums host a selection

desde 27-11-2024 hasta 30-03-2025
Via Nazionale , 194

How do we measure the health of life on Earth?

desde 14-12-2024 hasta 30-03-2025
Via della Fontanella Borghese, 56b

Conversation Piece is an annual exhibition cycle organized by Fondazione Memmo to narrate the city’s art scene, particularly as regards the activities of foreign academies

Primavera alla Landriana 2025-Foto: pagina ufficiale Facebook
desde 28-03-2025 hasta 30-03-2025

This year the usual appointment to the Landriana Gardens which hosts the Spring at Landriana, a historic exhibition-market of quality gardening

Hyperstudio Hypercosmo ph. Alessandro Rabboni
desde 20-12-2024 hasta 30-03-2025
Viale Asia, 40-44

After the great international success with over 6 million visitors worldwide, the Balloon Museum returns to Rome in the spaces of

Andy Bluvertigo, Teatrino Emozionale, olio su tela, 2021
desde 13-09-2024 hasta 31-03-2025
Via Giovanni l'Eltore, 35 / 37

La Vaccheria, the extraordinary exhibition space in the heart of

Niki Berlinguer, da Renato Guttuso (Aranceto)
desde 26-10-2024 hasta 06-04-2025
Via Nomentana , 70

“La signora degli arazzi - Lady of the Tapestries” is the nickname given to Niki Berlinguer, stage name of Corinna Adelaide Augusta Fidelia.

Venere disarma Marte: i fiamminghi e la Villa di Mecenate a Tivoli-Foto: locandina ufficiale della mostra
desde 29-11-2024 hasta 06-04-2025

The exhibition at the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor in Tivoli, organized by th

CDS by Anne-Marie Forker
desde 01-03-2025 hasta 13-04-2025

The Grand Chapiteau hosts the Cirque du Soleil, returning to Italy with a new and evocative version of one of the world's best-loved shows.  

desde 20-12-2024 hasta 20-04-2025
Via Guido Reni , 4

Suitable for audiences of all ages, the immersive and multi-sensorial exhibition at in MAXXI

Guido Guidi, Palazzo Abatellis 1997
desde 13-12-2024 hasta 20-04-2025
Via Guido Reni, 4 A

An itinerary to discover one of the most incisive poetics in contemporary photographic culture.

Accademia nazionale di pittura cinese a Roma-Foto: comunicato stampa
desde 15-03-2025 hasta 21-04-2025

Conceived on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and the People’s Republic of China, the exhibition at the

desde 12-12-2024 hasta 21-04-2025
Via Nomentana , 70

A major anthological exhibition promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali in collaboration with Sapienza Università di Roma.

Da Sharjah a Roma lungo la via delle spezie-Foto: sito ufficiale del Parco Archeologico del Colosseo
desde 04-02-2025 hasta 23-04-2025
Foro Romano - Curia Iulia

The exhibition which opens at the Curia Julia, inside the

Guglielmo Marconi. Vedere l’invisibile
desde 08-11-2024 hasta 25-04-2025

The VIVE Institute - in the spaces of the Vittoriano an

Agrippa Iulius Caesar, l’erede ripudiato. Un nuovo ritratto di Agrippa Postumo, figlio adottivo di Augusto-Foto:  sito ufficiale dei Musei Capitolini
desde 29-11-2024 hasta 27-04-2025
Piazza del Campidoglio , 1

The exhibition Agrippa Iulius Caesar, the repudiated heir.

desde 27-02-2025 hasta 27-04-2025
Via del Corso , 305

With the exhibition curated by Francesca Romana de Paolis and realized with the support of Princess Gesine Pogson Doria Pamphilj and her spouse Don Massimiliano Floridi, in collaboration with Galle

desde 26-02-2025 hasta 02-05-2025
Via Nomentana , 12

Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel and Alice in Wonderland in a new and surprising guise, magically merging cultures and styles, East and West, tradition and in

Roma pittrice. Le artiste a Roma tra il XVI e XIX secolo-Foto: sito ufficiale di Palazzo Braschi
desde 25-10-2024 hasta 04-05-2025
Piazza di San Pantaleo , 10

The Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi hosts the exhibition Painter Rome.

desde 09-11-2024 hasta 04-05-2025
Viale Enrico De Nicola , 79

Among the leading figures in contemporary sculpture, Tony Cragg is known for experimenting since the 1970s with the search for surprising forms and the use of novel techniq

Roma, 2007 © Gabriele Basilico / Archivio Gabriele Basilico
desde 12-12-2024 hasta 04-05-2025
Via di Sant'Apollinare , 8

The Museo Nazionale Romano in Palazzo Altemps hosts a prestigious exhibiti

desde 19-02-2025 hasta 06-05-2025
Piazza di Sant'Egidio, 1/b

The freedom to travel, the freedom to document reality, the memory of traditions and social and cultural transformations, using the language of images with intelle

Brancusi, Scolpire il volo, foto Simona Murrone
desde 13-02-2025 hasta 11-05-2025
Via Sacra

Born in 1876 in Romania and naturalized French citizen, Constantin Brancusi is considered one of the greatest sculptors of the 20th century, the father of modern sculpture.

Richard Avedon, Italy #10, bellboy © The Richard Avedon Foundation Courtesy Gagosian
desde 12-03-2025 hasta 17-05-2025
Via Francesco Crispi , 16

Italy through the lens of a master of photography who revolutionized the way of telling faces and stories.

I Farnese nella Roma del Cinquecento
desde 12-02-2025 hasta 18-05-2025
Piazza del Campidoglio , 1

Over 140 works, from prestigious national and international institutions, absolute masterpieces of one of the most important art collections of th

S.S. Lazio ph. courtesy of S.S. Lazio
desde 18-08-2024 hasta 25-05-2025
Piazzale del Foro Italico


AS Roma
desde 25-08-2024 hasta 25-05-2025
Piazzale del Foro Italico

AS Roma was founded as Associazione Sportiva Roma in 1927 from the merger of three clubs: Alba-Audace, Fortitudo-ProRoma and Foot Ball Clu

desde 21-01-2025 hasta 27-05-2025
Via Milano , 13

Great masterpieces beloved by all and avant-garde or experimental films, not forgetting some gems from the silent era.

L'albero del poeta. La quercia del Tasso al Gianicolo-Foto: Jacob George Strutt, La Quecia del Tasso, olio su tela, 1843
desde 29-01-2025 hasta 01-06-2025
Piazza di Sant'Egidio, 1/b

The Museum of Rome in Trastevere hosts the exhibition The Poet's Tree.

Edvard Munch-Disperazione, 1894, Olio su tela, 92x73 cm, Photo © Munchmuseet
desde 12-02-2025 hasta 02-06-2025
Piazza Venezia , 5

More than twenty years after the last exhibition in Rome, the art of the famous Norwegian painter, one of the major exponents of the 20th century, is the protagonist of a prestigious monographic ex

Pulp Fiction, Banksy
desde 20-12-2024 hasta 06-06-2025
Largo Ascianghi , 5

Two artists and two seemingly distant personalities confront each other: the extraordinary world of Andy Warhol, the world's most photographed, fa

desde 28-02-2025 hasta 09-06-2025
Viale della Trinità dei Monti , 1

Curated by Maurizio Cattelan and Sam Stourdzé, the exhibition hosted at the

Gli Shinhanga. Una rivoluzione nelle stampe Giapponesi-Foto: pagina ufficiale Facebook-locandina della mostra
desde 13-03-2025 hasta 15-06-2025
Piazza di San Salvatore in Lauro , 15

The exhibition Gli Shinhanga. Una rivoluzione nelle stampe giapponesi (The Shinhanga.

Picasso lo straniero ph. Museo del Corso Polo Museale Official Website
desde 27-02-2025 hasta 29-06-2025

Palazzo Cipolla hosts an exhibition dedicated to the great 2

Caravaggio 2025-Foto: Santa Caterina di Alessandria, olio su tela (1598-99), Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
desde 07-03-2025 hasta 06-07-2025
Via delle Quattro Fontane , 13
© Nickolas Muray Photo Archive, Frida con statuetta Olmeca, Coyoacán 1939 (stampata 2005),Stampa al carbone, 27,31x40 cm,cc 51,44x61,60x2,54 cm
desde 15-03-2025 hasta 20-07-2025
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme , 9

The iconic and unforgettable Mexican artist is the protagonist of an unmissable photographic exhibition at the
