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In addition to its monuments, palaces and churches, a city is also made up of the memories it evokes and the life that passes through it.

In addition to its monuments, palaces and churches, a city is also made up of the memories it evokes and the life that passes through it.

La Iglesia, del Orden Soberano de Malta, se renovó y decoró por completo gracias a Gian Battista Piranesi.

In addition to its monuments, palaces and churches, a city is also made up of the memories it evokes and the life that passes through it.

In addition to its monuments, palaces and churches, a city is also made up of the memories it evokes and the life that passes through it.

The Garbatella, off the well-known paths of the historic centre, is one of the most evocative and fascinating districts of Rome.

In addition to its monuments, palaces and churches, a city is also made up of the memories it evokes and the life that passes through it.

El encantador jardín oriental está situado dentro del Instituto Cultural Japonés, en un rincón tranquilo del

In addition to its monuments, palaces and churches, a city is also made up of the memories it evokes and the life that passes through it.

El arte medieval de Roma parece sofocado por la predominancia de lo antiguo y por la suntuosidad renacentista y barroca.

Alla scoperta dei fantasmi e delle anime inquiete che infestano il centro storico di Roma
Le caratteristiche fontanelle installate in tante piazze e vie della città

The statue is of a reclining Silenus which the populace called a baboon (“babuino”) for its ugliness recalling a monkey.

Existe una Roma subterránea que muchos desconocen: se trata de la Roma de los bunker.

A pesar de ser la más baja y la más pequeña de las siete colinas de Roma, la colina del Campidoglio es, probablemente, la más relacionada con los acontecimientos históricos de la c
¿Sabías que todos los días, bajo la lluvia o bajo el sol, una curiosa costumbre romana tiene lugar desde uno de los puntos

A un tiro de piedra de Piazza Navona y Campo de’ Fiori, en el corazón del Rione Parione, se ubica la Iglesia de Santa Maria in Vallicella también popularmente conocida como la

It is a simple white woolen band but it has a high symbolic value as a liturgical vestment: it represents the lamb that the shepherd carries on his shoulders, and as such the “past
En el corazón de Roma, a pocos pasos del casco antiguo, se encuentra uno de los barrios más característicos de la ciudad.

La vista de la cúpula de San Pedro desde Via Niccolò Piccolomini es una experiencia inolvidable, ya que desde aquí se puede admirar la cúpula.....¡desde una perspectiva muy peculiar!

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