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Conversation Piece is an annual exhibition cycle organized by Fondazione Memmo to narrate the city’s art scene, particularly as regards the activities of foreign academies
[...]La Vaccheria, the extraordinary exhibition space in the heart of
[...]“La signora degli arazzi - Lady of the Tapestries” is the nickname given to Niki Berlinguer, stage name of Corinna Adelaide Augusta Fidelia.
An itinerary to discover one of the most incisive poetics in contemporary photographic culture.
Suitable for audiences of all ages, the immersive and multi-sensorial exhibition at in MAXXI
[...]A major anthological exhibition promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali in collaboration with Sapienza Università di Roma.
The exhibition Agrippa Iulius Caesar, the repudiated heir.
Among the leading figures in contemporary sculpture, Tony Cragg is known for experimenting since the 1970s with the search for surprising forms and the use of novel techniq
[...]The Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi hosts the exhibition Painter Rome.
AS Roma was founded as Associazione Sportiva Roma in 1927 from the merger of three clubs: Alba-Audace, Fortitudo-ProRoma and Foot Ball Clu
[...]Two artists and two seemingly distant personalities confront each other: the extraordinary world of Andy Warhol, the world's most photographed, fa
[...]The first major monographic exhibition on Franco Fontana awaits you with over 200 photographs to narrate the universe of the photographer from Modena, who marked t
[...]An unprecedented narration of some of the most evocative places in the city, six open-air itineraries in which music intertwines with hist
[...]The Domus Aurea opens its doors to visitors on the third Thursday of every month for a serie
[...]Housed in the garden of Villa Caffarelli in the Capitoline Museums, you can a
[...]The start of the 2025 Jubilee is marked by the opening of the Holy Door of St Peter's Basilica in the
[...]The Holy Door of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican will be opened on 24 December 2024 and will
[...]This year MAXXI once again opens the doors of Giacomo Ball
[...]The Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale pays tribute to Gru
[...]The Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone, the House of Jazz
[...]The Contemporanea event, the Season of Musica per Roma Foundation at the Auditorium Par
[...]The Villa Torlonia Theater hosts eight monographic musical events dedicated to so
[...]The 2024-2025 Symphony Season opens in Santa Cecilia with a rich and ambitious program; in fact, the new Musical Director Daniel Harding
[...]The exhibition at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture - Ce
[...]It was among the bronzes donated to the Roman people by Pope Sixtus IV in 1471, forming the first nucleus of the Capitoline Museums collection: the hand – with some missing parts –
[...]The exhibition in the rooms of Palazzo Clementino at the Capitoline Museums presents
[...]La direttrice dell'Accademia, la prof.ssa Rania Yehia, ha il piacere di aprire le porte ai suoi ospiti per il prossimo concerto, di clarinetto, con l'artista internazionale Reham Siebenson.
Il breve periodo di emancipazione degli ebrei a Roma tra la fine del XIX e l’inizio del XX secolo, tra la demolizione dell’ex ghetto nel 1870 e l’istituzione fascista delle leggi razziali nel 1938,
[...]Pallacanestro, Campionato Serie B Nazionale
Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone - Concerti
La nuova serie di lavori di Tiziana Contino mette alla prova il non facile tentativo di rendere percepibile il tema del sacro in una dimensione della contemporaneità dell’immagine digitale.
Mostra collettiva
Opere di:
Matteo Casali
Giuseppe Gallace
Dalla musica ai talk politici. Il programma della settimana targata Studio26.
Grande pista all’aperto nel cuore del centro commerciale
Giovani protagonisti del panorama artistico contemporaneo
Un'esperienza unica tra suono e luci
Direzione artistica di Andrea Codispoti (voce & chitarra)
Di Agatha Christie
Traduzione e adattamento teatrale Edoardo Erba
in accordo con Arcadia & Ricono Ltd
per gentile concessione di Agatha Christie Ltd
The building, built in 1929 in the typical Umbertino style of the time, housed the Health Office for several years.
di Andrea Muzzi
Fabio Canino e Andrea Muzzi
regia di
Stefano Messina
Toni Servillo, ritorna sul palcoscenico del Teatro Argentina con Tre modi per non morire, lavoro scritto appositamente per lui da Giuseppe Montesano, scri