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Themed itineraries

Pagina di snodo Tassonomia
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Basilica di San Clemente, Basilica di San Pietro, Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, Basilica di San Paolo fuori le mura, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano

Un itinerario fra le basiliche di Roma

Casa Museo di Alberto Moravia, , Cas Museo Musumeci Greco, , , Casa Museo Giacinto Scelsi, Studio di Luigi Pirandello, Museo Fondazione Venanzo Crocetti, , Casa di Goethe, Keats-Shelley House, Casa Museo Giorgio De Chirico

An itinerary to discover Rome through the private homes of famous people who, over the centuries, have left an indelible mark on the city’s history and culture.

Tempio di Ercole Vincitore

Via della Greca, via dei Greci e Antico Caffè Greco: tre luoghi suggestivi della città, che, già nel nome, testimoniano l’esistenza di rapporti fr

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The museum system of Roma Capitale is made up of an extremely diverse group of museum locations and archaeological sites of great artistic and historical value.

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The modern museums that are part of the museum system of Roma Capitale include: the Museo della Repubblica Romana e della memoria garibaldina, a place where the ex

Passaggio sul Tevere: i sette ponti più iconici di Roma

An itinerary between millenary architectures and daring contemporary visions

Walking can be a way of life but it is, above all, the best way to get to know a city and discover details of beauty, all you need is going around with curious and attentive eyes.

Cupola di Sant'Andrea della Valle

Rome, the ideal setting for cinema masterpieces and great melodies

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Alla scoperta delle fontane da non perdere: monumentali, bizzarre, barocche

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The bicycle represents an excellent alternative to mobility-based travel and sustainable tourism.

Piazza di Spagna, Basilica di San Pietro

Our itinerary takes you to discover two of the most spectacular and famous squares in the Capital: Piazza di S

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Ancient Rome saw, along with works aimed at improving services (stores, markets, etc.), prestige works or those representing public character (churches and porches) and those of a private nature (h

Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, Maxxi, , Auditorium

Tre itinerari per conoscere i luoghi del contemporaneo a Roma

Porta magica

Among the squares, monuments and alleys of the Eternal City are hidden legends, traditions and stories that tell of a magical and mysterious city.

Il quartiere Coppedè

Rome is a thousand-year-old city where the signs of a unique artistic and cultural history have been concentrated over the centuries.

Roma per famiglie

An experience for all ages

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Anche per i bambini da 0 a 3 anni e per i loro genitori, non mancano luoghi, spazi, attività e attrazioni coinvolgenti, per divertirsi e imparare a tutte le età.

Palazzo Farnese, Piazza di Pietra, Pantheon, Fontana delle Tartarughe, Piazza Navona

Baroque Rome, in the area between the Pantheon and

Terme di Caracalla

La città eterna sospesa tra storia e leggenda

Tomba di Cecilia Metella, San Sebastiano, San Callisto , Sepolcro degli Scipioni, Parco degli Acquedotti, Villa di Massenzio, Tombe Latine, , Museo delle Mura, Villa dei Quintili

Discover the most famous and ancient Roman street

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This walking tour offers the most attentive and curious visitors the chance to observe Rome from an unprecedented perspective, discovering details that may go unnoticed but that reveal the true sou


It is said that a city can also be described through its panorama, colours, perfumes, objects, or even an idea. It is precisely those nuances, intangible and temporary, that sometimes turn into unforgettable memories.

Over the centuries, the magic of Rome has been masterly told by poets and writers and wonderfully depicted in the works of great artists. Eternal and mysterious, the Capital envelops those who arrive in a pleasant "sickness of Rome" that does not abandon. It is no coincidence that millions of tourists hurry to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain with the hope of returning to visit it: because in Rome, remembering Goethe's words, everything is as we imagined it, and everything is new.

Immerse yourself in its magic, choosing from our many themed itineraries the one that most intrigues you.