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Themed itineraries

A trip inside the museums between Piazza Navona and its surroundings

Located at the foot of the Capitoline Hill,

After the Colosseum comes another part of the itinerary not to be missed, the Palatine, the place where Romulus founded the Eternal City in 753 BC.

Designed to host the Esposizione Universale Romana of 1942 that did not take place because of the outbreak of the Second World War, the EUR district was built ac

Un itinerario alla scoperta di una delle aree verdi più estese e suggestive della Capitale

Let's discover one of the largest and most lively parks in Rome, a real green oasis for everyone in the P

First stop: the Park of the “Tombe Latine”, one of the most important funeral sites located on the outskirts of Rome (on the Via Appia Nuova near the Colli Albani underground station – Line A).

Rome has had, since ancient times and subsequently, over the course of the various centuries, numerous links with the Eastern world, of an economic, commercial, political, social a
Among women, Anna Magnani is considered one of the greatest performers in the history of cinema.

I maestri dell’arte - Itinerari romani sulle tracce dei grandi artisti

The masters of art - Roman itineraries in the footsteps of the great artists

I Maestri dell'Arte: itinerari romani sulle tracce dei grandi artisti

I Maestri dell'Arte: itinerari romani sulle tracce dei grandi artisti

Gigi Proietti is considered one of Italy’s most histrionic and versatile actors: theatre and film actor, voice actor, TV presenter, and singer.

Masters of Art: tours in Rome looking for the great artists

Paolo Sorrentino, a director, a screenwriter and a writer, was born in Naples on 31st May 1970.

Inside some splendid historic palaces, industrial buildings, and lush green spaces are contemporary museums that keep precious collections: from sculpture to painting
Famous worldwide for being a veritable "open-air museum," Rome abounds with artistic treasures that you can enjoy in the many archaeological areas that dot the city or in the vario

Once the capital of the Roman Empire, then of the Papal State, today of the Italian Republic, Rome is where you feel the atmosphere of the great history.

Walking through the ancient ruins of the city and browsing its characteristic alleys is an unforgettable experience for sure.

The stroll begins from one of the most fashionable piazzas of the capital: Campo de’ Fiori.

The archaeological area of the centre of Rome is a unique open-air set, a suggestive and precious testimony of the past, ready to be brought on the screen.

In the 1st century B.C., Ancient Rome discovers the charm of the Egyptian culture, as a result of the conquest of Egypt by Julius Caesar and Augustus.

“The Great Beauty” shows us more of Rome than we find in the postcard versions. It explores the hidden corners, behind doorways and gates that never seem to open.
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It is said that a city can also be described through its panorama, colours, perfumes, objects, or even an idea. It is precisely those nuances, intangible and temporary, that sometimes turn into unforgettable memories.
Over the centuries, the magic of Rome has been masterly told by poets and writers and wonderfully depicted in the works of great artists. Eternal and mysterious, the Capital envelops those who arrive in a pleasant "sickness of Rome" that does not abandon. It is no coincidence that millions of tourists hurry to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain with the hope of returning to visit it: because in Rome, remembering Goethe's words, everything is as we imagined it, and everything is new.
Immerse yourself in its magic, choosing from our many themed itineraries the one that most intrigues you.