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Stagione 2024-2025 del Teatro Anfitrione.
Created on the walls of the cloister-garden is the site-specific stencil poster intervention with the exciting title "Rinascita" (Rebirth), specially created for the Gallery in collaboration with W
[...]Il Festival della Diplomazia, unico al mondo, giunge quest’anno alla XV edizione e ha come titolo: Looking for Cratos: le tante facce del Potere.
Il tour nei grandi teatri lirici italiani di CLAUDIO BAGLIONI - PIANO DI VOLO SOLOtris parte il 15 gennaio 2025 da Roma, prima di tre nuov
[...]WarmtHub, lo spazio artistico culturale che vede la lobby del Warmthotel di Roma adibita ad area espositiva, presenta:
Forme non forme dell'anima
Dialoghi tra Scienza e Arte – II edizione, 2024
The pilgrimage to the Seven Churches, conceived by St Philip Neri in the 16th century, is one of Rome's oldest traditions.
These are the churches marked as meeting places for pilgrims.
With the opening of the Doors of the Papal Basilicas in Rome, a Jubilee year full of events will begin, most of which are already fixed.
La Traviata è un'opera in tre atti composta da Giuseppe Verdi su libretto di Francesco Maria Piave ed è andata in scena per la prima volta il 6 Marzo 1853 al
We offer a guided tour of the famous and mysterious Capuchins crypt, and an intense concert performing Gregorian chant and sacred choral music.
Nasce Stregati a Villa Giulia, il circolo di lettura che a partire da novembre 2024 custodirà l’atmosfera di alcuni dei più celebri romanzi vincitori del Premio Strega nel luogo ch
The Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica is opened by the Pope only at the beginning of a Jubilee Year. It is usually the first door to be opened to indicate the beginning of the Holy Year.
The itinerary of the churches of the European Union, in Latin, the Iter Europaeum, involves stop-offs at 28 churches and basilicas.
This pilgrimage route allows pilgrims and tourists to discover more about European female saints, in particular, those who have been proclaimed by the Church as Patronesses of Europe and Doctors of
[...]The Jubilee Concerts, of the Jubilee is Culture Festival, in preparation for the Holy Year, continue in the autumn months. Admission is free of charge and free while places last.