Santa Maria in Publicolis | Turismo Roma
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Santa Maria in Publicolis

S. MARIA IN PUBLICOLIS Thechurch, once dedicated to S. Maria in Publico, was named “in Publicolis” tohonor the Santacroce family that committed its reconstruction by GiovanniAntonio De Rossi in 1643. The facade is divided into two orders andpresents a portal surmounted by a window. All of this is crowned by acurvilinear tympanum. The interior embodies a single nave with twoside chapels. On the high altar one finds a canvas dated C. XVII portraying the“Natività della Vergine” by Raffaele Vanni (1587-1659). On walls and floor onefinds slabs for the Santacroce family.


POINT (12.476762 41.89395)

For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.

06 6861679
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Santa Maria in Publicolis, Via dei Falegnami, 23
Via dei Falegnami, 23
41° 53' 38.22" N, 12° 28' 36.3432" E


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