Chiesa San Tommaso ai Cenci | Turismo Roma
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Chiesa San Tommaso ai Cenci

S. TOMMASO AI CENCI Thechurch appears already documented in the early C. XII and named afterS.Tommaso. In 1554 Giulio II granted it to Cardinal Rocco Cenci to include itin the new family palace that was being built. The church’s edification worksbegun in 1559 and were completed in 1575. In 1825, the latter, already known asthe Cenci Chapel, was granted to the Arciconfraternita della Dottrina Cristianaand later to the Confraternita dei Cocchieri. Thefaçade includes two portals surmounted by triangular tympani and with thededicatory inscription. On top of it, in correspondence with the latter ones,one finds two round oculi and two small windows. In the middle there is adecorated frame that once embodied a fresco by now disappeared. Theinterior embodies a unique nave with a cross vault and the coat of arms of theCenci family in the middle. The high altar consists of two trapezophori from C.I and underneath a tub in which, according to customs, unlucky Beatrice Cenciwas supposedly baptized. On the walls one finds frescoes by G. Siciolante da Sermoneta (1565) representing“Storie della Vergine”.


POINT (12.4764658 41.8922458)

Open at the times indicated, by phone reservations only.

06 68300055
06 6833432 - 06 6832641
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Chiesa San Tommaso ai Cenci, Piazza Delle Cinque Scole, 3
Piazza Delle Cinque Scole, 3
41° 53' 32.0856" N, 12° 28' 35.2776" E


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