Rione II - Trevi | Turismo Roma
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Rione II - Trevi

Fontana di Trevi, particolare

One of the most favourite areas for tourists and Romans, this lively rione is home to the Trevi Fountain, its emblem and one of the symbols of the city. The origin of its name probably comes from the Latin "trivium", meaning the confluence of three streets, the so-called trivio, in the Piazzetta dei Crociferi, at the side of the district's main square.

Among the most important monuments, archaeological sites and buildings of worship here are Palazzo Poli, on whose façade stands the famous fountain by Nicola Salvi; Palazzo Barberini, home to the beautiful Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica with its impressive spiral staircase by Borromini and the Italian Institute of NumismaticsPalazzo Colonna, the largest aristocratic residence in the city, inside which is the splendid Gallery of the same name; the Palazzo del Quirinale, former residence of the popes and today of the President of the Italian Republic; the Scuderie del Quirinale, exhibition and cultural events venue, and the Triton Fountain, work of the genius of Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

In the Dante Hall of Palazzo Poli, the building on which the extraordinary Trevi Fountain stands, concerts took place during readings and lectures dedicated to the Vate's Divine Comedy. Instead of disturbing the performance, it seems that the splashing of water from the fountain enhanced the harmony of the music so much that Franz Liszt chose this room for the premiere of his Dante Symphony.

Did you know that Michelangelo Buonarroti lived in this rione? The great artist died very old and poor in a house on Via Macel de Corvi, near Piazza Venezia. A plaque, placed on one side of the Palazzo delle Assicurazioni Generali, recalls that place – which disappeared to make way for the construction of the Vittoriano – and the humble house where Michelangelo Buonarroti lived for about half a century.

Borders: Piazza Madonna di Loreto, Vicolo San Bernardo, Via Magnanapoli, Via XXIV Maggio, Via del Quirinale, Via XX Settembre, Piazza San Bernardo, Via di Santa Susanna, Via Leonida Bissolati, Via di San Basilio, Piazza Barberini, Via del Tritone, Via del Nazareno, Via del Bufalo, Via del Pozzetto, Piazza San Claudio, Via di Santa Maria in Via, Via delle Muratte, Via del Corso, Piazza Venezia.

The coat of arms of the Rione Trevi is formed by three swords in diagonal on a red background.

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