FAI Autumn Days 2023 | Turismo Roma
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FAI Autumn Days 2023

Giornate FAI d'autunno 2023

Palaces, villas, churches, castles, archaeological sites, museums, libraries, craft workshops, industrial archeology venues, parks, gardens, botanical gardens and historical courtyards: the long-awaited appointment with the Giornate FAI d'Autunno dedicated to the beauty of the cultural heritage, landscape, and hidden treasures of our country, is back in its 12th edition.

The extraordinary weekend involves 350 cities and 700 little-known or usually inaccessible places, shown and told by the "Giovani" of the Fondo Ambiente Italiano together with the Foundation's Territorial Network volunteers. The programme includes some special contributed visits enriched by in-depth information and storytelling.

In Rome, you can visit unique and surprising places such as the Oratorio dei Filippini, one of the masterpieces of Baroque art designed by Borromini; the eclectic palace of the Superior Council of the Magistracy, open to the public for the first time; the seat of the Council of State in the 16th-century Palazzo Spada and the Colonnade by Borromini, the most spectacular Baroque artifice in Rome; the Collections in the neoclassical building of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group; the majestic Palazzo Esercito, the headquarters of the General Staff of the Italian Army; and, just outside the Eternal City, the Park of Villa Gregoriana in Tivoli, an enchanting landscape with archaeological and architectural testimonies from various times, waterfalls and beautiful views; the imposing Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo, included in the Network of Historic Houses of Lazio region; and the ancient Castle of San Giorgio in Maccarese with its magnificent geometrically designed gardens.

The FAI Autumn Days are organized as part of the Foundation's "Ottobre del FAI" fundraising campaign, active throughout the month. Visitors can contribute to enhancing and protecting Italian artistic and cultural heritage with a donation starting from 3 euros (not mandatory) during the visits or by registering with the FAI, both online and in the various squares of Italy during the event. 


from 14 October 2023 to 15 October 2023
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Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October

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