In Villa Borghese, Piazza di Siena celebrates its ninetieth birthday. Many are the editions of the CSIO in Rome - Master d'Inzeo. The historic horse show represents an unmissable appointment for horse riders and amazons elite.
2023 is the pre-Olympic year, the one in which the qualifications for the awaited five-circle appointment close, and the CSIO in Rome, which brings its total prize money to one million euros for the first time, is one of the tests on which technicians and riders concentrate their maximum attention.
It is going to be a long weekend of jumping excellence. Friday, ten teams take the field for the Intesa Sanpaolo Nations Cup. The closing race on Sunday sees the best duos on the world scene who ensure a show not to be missed in the Rolex Gran Premio Roma.
In addition to the oval in Piazza di Siena, this year too, the activity develops in the neighboring Galoppatoio where, under the light of the spotlights, the Roman stage of the traveling tournament circuit, Italia Polo Challenge, takes place at Villa Borghese for the fourth time. As usual, the Caroselli del San Raffaele, the Lancieri di Montebello, and the 4th Carabinieri Regiment will close the 2023 edition of the horse show.
The program may undergo changes
From 25 May 2023 to 28 May 2023