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L'odore, Lungotevere Vittorio Gassman, 1
Lungotevere Vittorio Gassman, 1
41° 52' 12.036" N, 12° 28' 15.1464" E
L'odore, Via Luigi Pierantoni, 6
Via Luigi Pierantoni, 6
41° 52' 11.7984" N, 12° 28' 15.762" E

Reciprocity agreements Rome - Paris

Reciprocity agreements Rome - Paris

'Only Paris is worthy of Rome; only Rome is worthy of Paris.'

With these words, the exclusive twinning that has united the two European capitals for over sixty years was sealed in 1956.

A bond renewed and strengthened in 2022 by the mayors of the two most iconic cities in the world to relaunch a shared cultural, social, and environmental journey.

Thanks to these reciprocity agreements, the citizens of the Ville Lumière can enter for free the numerous sites of the Rome Museum System:  Capitoline MuseumsCentrale MontemartiniTrajan's Markets - Museum of the Imperial ForaAra Pacis MuseumMuseum of RomeNapoleonic MuseumMuseum of Roma in TrasteverePietro Canonica Museum at Villa BorgheseVilla Torlonia Museums (Casina delle CivetteCasino NobileSerra Moresca), Museum of the WallsCarlo Bilotti Museum – Orangery of Villa BorgheseGiovanni Barracco Museum of Ancient SculptureCivic Museum of ZoologyMuseum of the Roman Republic and Garibaldi MemorialGallery of Modern ArtCasal de' Pazzi Museum, Villa di Massenzio, Alberto Moravia House Museum.

Free admission, upon the issue of a specific ticket, is not provided in the exhibition spaces of the Ara Pacis Museum, the Museum of Rome I floor, and Villa Caffarelli at the Capitoline Museums, at the immersive visit Circo Maximo Experience, and in the Rome Planetarium.

Likewise, the agreement allows citizens residing in the Eternal City to visit the museums of the Paris municipality for free.

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