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Fusce dolor orci, maximus eget risus nec, elementum pellentesque leo. Nam vel aliquet metus, eu porttitor dui.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu porttitor felis. Vivamus fermentum augue vitae viverra sagittis. Duis sed accumsan ipsum, accumsan venenatis erat. Etiam vulputate lorem nulla, nec efficitur dui posuere nec. Donec convallis est vel metus elementum, vitae varius est rhoncus. Etiam id felis lacinia, placerat sem ut, facilisis nibh. Curabitur in nunc viverra, accumsan ipsum quis, elementum quam. Praesent dictum massa eget mauris auctor, eget porttitor nunc vestibulum. Donec sollicitudin auctor aliquam. Vestibulum vitae enim vulputate, pulvinar est nec, euismod augue. Etiam sed dapibus lacus. Aliquam ligula mi, porttitor et consequat eu, tristique porta arcu. Aenean placerat tortor sit amet elit dictum ultricies. Morbi quis semper diam, ac suscipit ante. Etiam iaculis cursus risus vitae pretium. Vestibulum sem nisl, cursus quis dictum ac, semper et sem. Integer ex enim, blandit ac venenatis a, fringilla pharetra elit. Phasellus varius risus est, vel sodales nulla convallis ac. Proin mollis fermentum nunc, placerat congue neque porttitor at. Duis ac ipsum a arcu hendrerit vestibulum sit amet id arcu. Sed et diam commodo lacus tincidunt commodo. Morbi blandit est eu mi tincidunt facilisis. Duis fermentum lorem sit amet nunc tristique, iaculis elementum felis venenatis. Vivamus imperdiet viverra est. Ut maximus dolor diam, a cursus ex tincidunt sit amet. Sed gravida dictum massa eget scelerisque. Proin ut est eu risus consequat lobortis. Integer vitae lectus et est fermentum convallis a et magna. Nulla varius sollicitudin magna at ornare. Suspendisse elementum placerat consequat. Vestibulum convallis leo sagittis, euismod odio eget, tristique lorem. Suspendisse pellentesque tellus at ante tristique eleifend. Nulla pretium mi lacinia, ultricies leo id, ultrices mi. Duis suscipit tempus tellus, nec sagittis tellus iaculis vitae. Quisque iaculis felis eget est faucibus feugiat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed vitae arcu libero. Curabitur pellentesque accumsan augue vel tempor. Vivamus nisi ante, pretium non sem vel, mattis lobortis sem. Fusce dolor orci, maximus eget risus nec, elementum pellentesque leo. Nam vel aliquet metus, eu porttitor dui.

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Galleria Sciarra


Galleria Sciarra, Via Marco Minghetti
Via Marco Minghetti
41° 54' 0.1584" N, 12° 28' 55.02" E
Galleria Sciarra, Piazza dell'Oratorio
Piazza dell'Oratorio
41° 53' 58.0956" N, 12° 28' 55.992" E

Welcome To Rome


Welcome To Rome, a unique immersive experience through the history of Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 203
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 203
41° 53' 50.4924" N, 12° 28' 15.9168" E



famigliaRome is so unique and amazing that it is worth visiting all together as adults and children. Children are somewhat special travel companions in our itinerary for exploring the city, and with whom you can share special experiences and all the excitement.

And perhaps through their eyes, their remarks and questions, you will also begin to see the various places and monuments differently, as you never could have imagined before! The whole city becomes a route for an unusual treasure hunt: just ask the children to look for hidden clues, discover animals made of stone or run a competition to see who recognises the most monuments.

Even walking the route can become a small adventure for children that are accustomed to being driven everywhere, especially when there are gladiators waiting to see them at the end of the route at the Colosseum or the Mouth of Truth [“Bocca della Verità’]!

Rome for children

Rome offers numerous attractions for its young visitors.
The youngest children can take part in the colourful workshops that toy library Casina di Raffaello ‒ immersed in the greenery of Villa Borghese Park ‒ organizes on the theme of the exhibitions held there or those at Explora Children’s Museum at 80 Via Flaminia.

For older children, the Technotown toy library is achieving resounding success with its ‘special effects’ and ‘interactive floors’.

In fine weather it is worth talking a stroll in the Bioparco, and also taking the opportunity to visit the nearby Civic Museum of Zoology.

If, on the other hand, you wish to delight your children with marionettes, hand puppets or plays, Teatro Verde or Teatro Stabile with the "San Carlino" hand puppets are not-to-be-missed.

LunEur is the largest amusement park in Rome and the oldest in Italy, dating back to 1953. The park reopened in 2016 and offers many activities.

Augustus, Welcome To Rome is a new multimedia space where you can live a unique experience: to dive into 2700 years of history of the Eternal City. Through an exciting “time machine” you will be able to go through the fundamental stages that have brought Rome to become the city we know today. Spectacular video projections on the walls, ceiling and floor accompanied by a narrative voice.

For the complete list

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