S.t.e.m. in a second: activities at the Planetarium | Turismo Roma
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S.t.e.m. in a second: activities at the Planetarium

S.t.e.m. in un secondo: attività presso il Planetario-Foto: Locandina ufficiale di S.t.e.m. 

The II Municipality of Rome organizes new, interesting activities at the Planetarium, halfway between knowledge and science-themed adventure games for children and teenagers.

Participants in the activities can attend the following scheduled shows:

On December the 9th there is the "Return to the stars" (11-13 years): the large digital dome opens to host stories of the universe made up of scientific investigations and extraordinary discoveries. In the vast celestial vault of the dome, the participants' gaze can freely range far away, accompanied by the live narration of the astronomers, who lead them on a far-reaching cosmic journey.

On December the 16th"Life as a star with Doctor Stellarium" is scheduled (6-10 years). Accompanied by Gabriele Catanzaro in the role of the bizarre Doctor Stellarium, which leads to the discovery of the entire firmament, measuring dimensions and distances between the stars, up to recognizing the last phases of the life of the stars, from planetary nebulae to supernova explosions, describing also an immense black hole.

Finally, “Interstellars: the journey of the Voyager probes” (14-18 years) is scheduled for December 30th. Here we tell the story of the Voyager probes, which left Earth way back in 1977, showed us a Solar System different from the one we knew, giving humanity a new perspective on our position in the cosmos. Today these probes have crossed the boundaries of the Solar System, continuing their interstellar journeys.


Astronomical themed shows (ages 6-10 years; 11-13 years; 14-18 years)

Dates: 9, 16, 30 December at 4.00 pm

Number of participants: 50 kids for each date.

Reservation required on 060608 (open every day 9.00-19.00).

Photo: S.t.e.m. official poster


from 9 December 2023 to 30 December 2023
POINT (12.477434649329 41.831025045133)
Web site: 

Ritorno alle stelle: 9 dicembre ore 16.00
Vita da stella con il Dott. Stellarium: 16 dicembre ore 16.00
Interstellari: il viaggio delle sonde Voyager: 30 dicembre ore 16.00

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S.t.e.m. in un secondo: attività presso il Planetario, Piazza Giovanni Agnelli, 10
Piazza Giovanni Agnelli, 10
41° 49' 51.69" N, 12° 28' 38.766" E

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