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The exhibition at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia celebrates the return t
[...]Gallery 5, the most dramatic of MAXXI’s galleries, is hosting a new chapter in the dialogue between fashion and the museum ten years after the “Bellissima” exhibit
[...]Curated and designed by one of the world’s most famous and influential design studios, the New York-based firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R), the exhibition in the MAXXI museum’s
[...]An internationally renowned painter and sculptor who has been a protagonist since the late 1970s of the Italian Transavanguardia, the art movement theorized by art critic Achille B
[...]The ground floor rooms of Palazzo dei Conservatori at the Capitoline Museums host a selection
[...]How do we measure the health of life on Earth?
La Vaccheria, the extraordinary exhibition space in the heart of
[...]“La signora degli arazzi - Lady of the Tapestries” is the nickname given to Niki Berlinguer, stage name of Corinna Adelaide Augusta Fidelia.
The exhibition at the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor in Tivoli, organized by th
[...]The exhibition Agrippa Iulius Caesar, the repudiated heir.
Among the leading figures in contemporary sculpture, Tony Cragg is known for experimenting since the 1970s with the search for surprising forms and the use of novel techniq
[...]The Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi hosts the exhibition Painter Rome.
Housed in the garden of Villa Caffarelli in the Capitoline Museums, you can a
[...]The exhibition at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture - Ce
[...]The exhibition in the rooms of Palazzo Clementino at the Capitoline Museums presents
[...]Curata da uno degli studi di progettazione più celebri e influenti al mondo, che ne è anche protagonista, la mostra indaga il movimento come proprietà interna dell’architettura: edifici che cambian
[...]La mostra intende indagare il concetto di bianco all’interno della produzione artistica del Novecento, proponendo un dialogo inedito tra la contemporaneità e il codice classico, inserendo la disami
[...]EUR_Asia comprende, come vera e propria mostra nella mostra, anche A Recollection Returns with a Soft Touch, nuova installazione dell’artista mul
[...]From 5 April 2024, the Air Raid Shelters and the Bunker located under the Casino Nobile, two underground structures built during the Second World War, will reopen to the public with a new multimedi
Dal 2 ottobre 2024 al 30 giugno 2025, FOROF – realtà unica a Roma che combina archeologia e arte contemporanea fondata da Giovanna Caruso Fendi – presenta la quarta Stagione con un
[...]Created on the walls of the cloister-garden is the site-specific stencil poster intervention with the exciting title "Rinascita" (Rebirth), specially created for the Gallery in collaboration with W