Public Notice Sustainable Tourism Fund | Turismo Roma
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Public Notice Sustainable Tourism Fund

from 20 June 2023 to 9 September 2023

The Sustainable Tourism Fund established by the Ministry of Tourism through the 2023 Budget Law is aimed at accommodation facilities and tourism businesses and will support investment projects that promote ecotourism and sustainable tourism, minimizing economic, environmental and social impacts and simultaneously generating income, employment and conservation of local ecosystems.

In the context of the Fund, Public Notice No. 1 provides grants for project proposals that meet at least one of the following purposes: to strengthen major cultural destinations through the promotion of sustainable forms of tourism, the mitigation of tourist overcrowding, the creation of innovative tourist itineraries and the deseasonalization of tourism; and to encourage the ecological transition in tourism, with actions to promote intermodal tourism in accordance with emission reduction strategies for tourism.

The total eligible cost of the submitted project must be between 50,000 and 200,000 euros, and the amount of the grant awarded may in no case exceed 50 percent of the total planned expenses for the entire project. The application for funding must be submitted electronically on the platform indicated by the Ministry of Tourism from 17 July and by 9 September, 2023.

For more information, visit the official website.

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