The C.S.E.N. Nazionale (National Educational Sports Center) since last year (2022) promoted the International Yoga Day which took place in Rome on 21 June in Piazza di Siena under the patronage of the Municipality of Rome.
This year 2023, the Giornata Internazionale dello Yoga will take place in Rome at the Farnesina Stadium from 5.30 pm to 10 pm with the patronage of Sport and Health and the Municipality of Rome Department of Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion.
The event is free and open to all yoga practitioners.
The event will take place on Wednesday 21 June from 18.30 to 20.30
18.00 Entrance and positioning of mats with the help of the Yogis4Nature volunteers
18.45. Greetings and introduction
19.00 Practice begins
20.10 Guided relaxation, mantra and short final meditation
In case of rain we will communicate the new date and time on our social channels Instagram and Facebook @yogis4nature