The Leonardo da Vinci Machines Exhibition celebrates the universal genius of Leonardo da Vinci by presenting about fifty full scale machines: flying machines, like the precursor to the parachute, a bicycle, a hydraulic saw, and many other inventions. They are all fully operational and they can be touched and set them in motion, to grant a deep interactive experience of understanding the genius of Leonardo da Vinci.
The machines are grouped into 5 sections. The four elements of nature - water, air, earth and fire and the mechanism section, which includes all those basic machines, with different possibility of application, like the conversion of motion or the endless screw. One of the most interesting project is the Armoured Tank, for the first time in Rome in life size: it weights two tons, and about six metres in diameter, and three metres high.
Palazzo della Cancelleria

Navona Square

The most iconic square of Baroque Rome
The Pantheon

Mostra permanente aperta tutti i giorni
dalle ore 9.30 alle 19.30
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