![Garth Speight, Coppia di uccelli, acrilico, cm. 35x25 Garth Speight, Coppia di uccelli, acrilico, cm. 35x25](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Coppia%20di%20uccelli%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2035x25.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Bosco di betulle, acrilico, cm. 34x34 Garth Speight, Bosco di betulle, acrilico, cm. 34x34](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Bosco%20di%20betulle%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2034x34.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Bosco, acrilico, cm. 35x22 Garth Speight, Bosco, acrilico, cm. 35x22](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Bosco%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2035x22.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Fiori di campo a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 37x47,5 Garth Speight, Fiori di campo a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 37x47,5](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Fiori%20di%20campo%20a%20Villa%20Torlonia%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2037x47%2C5.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Fiori di fantasia, acrilico, cm. 30x40 Garth Speight, Fiori di fantasia, acrilico, cm. 30x40](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Fiori%20di%20fantasia%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2030x40.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Fiori selvatici a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 25x25 Garth Speight, Fiori selvatici a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 25x25](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Fiori%20selvatici%20a%20Villa%20Torlonia%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2025x25.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Il boschetto di bambù a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 42x60 Garth Speight, Il boschetto di bambù a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 42x60](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Il%20boschetto%20di%20bamb%C3%B9%20a%20Villa%20Torlonia%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2042x60.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Iris bianchi, acrilico, cm. 37x52 Garth Speight, Iris bianchi, acrilico, cm. 37x52](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Iris%20bianchi%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2037x52.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Iris blu, acrilico, cm. 39x51 Garth Speight, Iris blu, acrilico, cm. 39x51](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Iris%20blu%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2039x51.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Magia notturna del Palatino, acrilico, cm. 34x29 Garth Speight, Magia notturna del Palatino, acrilico, cm. 34x29](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Magia%20notturna%20del%20Palatino%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2034x29.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Ninfee, acrilico, cm. 62x73 Garth Speight, Ninfee, acrilico, cm. 62x73](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Ninfee%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2062x73.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Ninfee, acrilico, cm. 70x50 Garth Speight, Ninfee, acrilico, cm. 70x50](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Ninfee%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2070x50.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Uccelli in uno stagno, acrilico, cm. 52x78 Garth Speight, Uccelli in uno stagno, acrilico, cm. 52x78](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Uccelli%20in%20uno%20stagno%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2052x78.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Uccelli in uno stagno, acrilico, cm. 52x78 Garth Speight, Uccelli in uno stagno, acrilico, cm. 52x78](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Uccelli%20in%20uno%20stagno%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2052x78%20%282%29.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Vasi con gerani, acrilico, cm. 45x55 Garth Speight, Vasi con gerani, acrilico, cm. 45x55](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Vasi%20con%20gerani%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2045x55.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Casina delle Civette a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 42x100 Garth Speight, Casina delle Civette a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 42x100](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Casina%20delle%20Civette%20a%20Villa%20Torlonia%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2042x100%C2%AB.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Gruppo di crisantemi, acrilico, cm. 38x90 Garth Speight, Gruppo di crisantemi, acrilico, cm. 38x90](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Gruppo%20di%20crisantemi%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2038x90.jpg)
![Garth Speight, Iris a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 35x90 Garth Speight, Iris a Villa Torlonia, acrilico, cm. 35x90](https://turismoroma.it/sites/default/files/Garth%20Speight%2C%20Iris%20a%20Villa%20Torlonia%2C%20acrilico%2C%20cm.%2035x90.jpg)
The brush smoothly slides over the canvas, the touches are fast, the colour is vivid and full-bodied. White, red, blue, gold and silver. And a lot of heart. That of Garth Speight which gives life to a triumphant nature of water lilies, irises, wildflowers, woods and birds.
A wonderful garden that materializes in the 50 paintings that "knead" the soul of the Canadian artist, made of boundless landscapes, with the Roman one of Villa Torlonia and the Casina delle Civette, the small architectural jewel which extraordinary multi-colored windows interact deeply and complete the paintings on display.
Every flower, every forest, every bird is a "window" open to the explosive and colourful universe of the artist and his particular and intimate interpretation of nature that does not stop at the brushstroke, but overflows from the canvas to form a small self-sufficient world: its creation becomes one with the frame that Speight personally carves.
Garth Speight has been living and working in Canada and Italy for over 40 years. His works are exhibited in private and public collections in Canada, Australia, Africa, China, USA and Europe.
The exhibition is enriched by a series of educational workshops on vegetable prints for adults and children, kokedama and micro-gardens.
Inaugurazione venerdì 11 ottobre 2019 ore 17.00, alle ore 18.00 è previsto un concerto
Dal 12 ottobre 2019 al 19 gennaio 2020- prorogata fino al 22 marzo 2020
da martedì a domenica ore 9.00 - 19.00
24 e 31 dicembre ore 9.00 - 14.00
La biglietteria chiude sempre 45' prima
N.B. per eventuali aperture e/o chiusure straordinarie consultare la pagina dedicata agli Avvisi