La Vaccheria, the extraordinary exhibition space in the heart of EUR, hosts an exhibition with free admission dedicated to the colourful and non-conformist artistic current that gave rise to a global cultural revolution.
Curated by Giuliano Gasparotti and Francesco Mazzei, Viaggio nella Pop Art: un nuovo modo di amare le cose depicts the universe of Pop Art and its modern and contemporary expressions, embracing eight decades in around 200 works from private collections and the Rosini Gutman Collection, by 45 Italian and international artists, heterogeneous creatives but united by the common thread of emotion, energy, vibrant colours and movement.
The exhibition path explores the ‘popular’ art movement - from American Pop Art of the early 1960s to Noveaux Realisme, from the Roman circles of Piazza del Popolo to New Pop, Urban Art and the New Web Generation - through three areas: the most brilliant protagonists of American Pop Art - Andy Warhol (Liza Minnelli, Cow and Fate Presto), Roy Lichtenstein (Sunrise, Shipboard Girl), Robert Rauschenberg (Sky Rite) and Robert Indiana (Liebe Love) - and of New Pop - Marco Lodola (Jim Morrison and the impressive Abbey Road) and Mark Kostabi (Gaming the Course of History, displayed for the first time); the strength of the female artists of New Pop Art - Niki De Saint Phalle (Nana dansant), Ilaria Rezzi, Ludmilla Radchenko, Erika Calesini, Olivia Gozzano, Annalisa Benvenuti, Sandra Tomboloni, Elena Arzuffi, Laura Lanci, Rita Mancini, Marina Roos; the 1960s Piazza del Popolo School - Franco Angeli ( Olimpico and Olimpico svastiche), Tano Festa (Manet) and Mario Schifano (photos retouched with enamel and Piazza delle Muse inquietanti).
Viaggio nella Pop Art: un nuovo modo di amare le cose is accompanied by the suspended installation Pixell and the video work Pop Mirage in the Mirror Room, a tribute to Andy Warhol, and by the fluorescent colours of Hurricane on the Nana dansant, the works conceived by Giuliano Gasparotti and Francesco Mazzei and realised by KIF Italia to highlight the main aspects of the exhibition - the factory model, the use of colour and the influence of music and celebrities.
The exhibition is realised by the Municipio IX Roma EUR with the support of Roma Capitale and the collaboration of Zètema Progetto Cultura, with organisational coordination by Gianfranco Rosini for IconArs S.R.L. The production of the artistic settings is by Kif Italia.
Photo: Andy Bluvertigo, Teatrino Emozionale, oil on canvas, 2021, cm 60x80
Media gallery
Dal 13 settembre 2024 al 31 marzo 2025
dal martedì al giovedì ore 9–13
dal venerdì alla domenica ore 9–19