Five places in Rome are symbolically illuminated with the extraordinary initiative that invites reflection on what is happening in the world.
The project, scheduled from 21 December to 7 January, winds through the centre and suburbs of the city and sends a powerful message of peace, with the wish that the wars afflicting the world may come to an end.
Five light installations by as many great contemporary artists: Natura Primitiva, Mimmo Paladino's magical and timeless work in Piazza della Minerva; Senza Titolo, Marco Tirelli's geometric shapes of light in Piazza Borghese; The Shape of Peace, Pietro Ruffo's video mapping on the Baroque architecture of Piazza Sant'Ignazio; We rise by lifting others by Marinella Senatore on the façade of Palazzo Braschi in Piazza San Pantaleo; Love 2023, a tribute to Hollywood Sign by Fulvio Caldarelli in Corviale, lit close to New Year's Eve, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva.
The project is promoted by the Assessorato alla Cultura and the Dipartimento Attività Culturali di Roma Capitale, under the care of the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and the organisation of Zètema Progetto Cultura. Info on www.comune.roma.it.
On the schedule is also Artika – Della neve e del ghiaccio, the KIF Italia project under the artistic direction of Francesco Mazzei and Giuliano Gasparotti: from 18:00 to 22:45, the masterpieces of great artists - Michelangelo, Pollaiolo, Leonardo da Vinci, Turner, Monet, Van Gogh, Munch, Kandiskij and Chagall - linked by the element of water in crystallised form, are projected onto the façade of the splendid Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Eur district, in a multidimensional journey in five acts with original music by Maestro Furio Valitutti.
From 21 December 2023 to 7 January 2024