The musical Lazarus by David Bowie is staged at the Argentina Theater, directed by Valter Malosti and with Manuel Agnelli, Casadilego, Roberto Latini, Michela Lucenti as main performers.
Based on the novel The Man Who Fell to Earth by Walter Tevis, Lazarus was first performed at the New York Theater Workshop on December 7, 2015 and was also David Bowie's last public appearance who would disappear over a month later on January 10, 2016; the show can in fact be considered, together with his album Blackstar, Bowie's creative testament.
The musical comedy tells the unhappy story of the interstellar migrant Newton, reluctantly forced to stay on Earth and his desperate need to return home. In the work Bowie takes up a series of constant themes that we find in his music: aging, pain, isolation, loss of love, horror of the world and media-induced psychosis. The character, despite having autobiographical traits, at the same time differs from the great artist.
The show includes many of Bowie's most famous pieces, and four specially written unpublished pieces, linked in order to build a fragmented and fascinating parallel dramaturgy, including the masterpiece that gives the work its title.
Photo credits: courtesy of Argentina Theater official site
Dal 12 al 23 aprile 2023
martedì, venerdì e mercoledì 12 aprile ore 20.00
giovedì 13 aprile, mercoledì 19 aprile e sabato ore 19.00
domenica e giovedi 20 aprile ore 17.00
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