Noemi and Ermal Meta, with the Opening Act of Big Mama starting at 1. 15 p.m., will host the 2024 edition of the eagerly awaited Concerto del Primo Maggio at the Circus Maximus.
Constantly being updated - other surprises are not excluded - the extremely rich line-up will not disappoint the expectations of the many music fans and will feature, in strict alphabetical order: Achille Lauro, Alda, Anna Castiglia, Ariete, Big Mama, Blomm, Caffelatte & Giuze, Chiamamifaro, Coez & Frah, Quintale, Colapesce Dimartino, Cor Veleno, Cosmo Dargen D'amico, Ditonellapiaga, Ermal Meta, Noemi, Olly, Piero Pelù, Piotta, Rosa Lynn, Rose Villain, Santi Francesi, Stefano Massini and Paolo Jannacci, Tananai, Teseghella, Tripolare, Tropico, Ultimo, Uzi lvke, Vale LP, Ex-Otago, La municipal, La Rappresentante di lista, Leo Gassman, Lina Simons, Mahmood, Malika Ayane, Maria Antonietta and Colombre, Mazzariello, Mille, Morgan, Negramaro.
Big Mama's opening will feature performances by Albe, Cioffi, Diego Lazzari and Nashley, Etta, Gaudiano and Irbis.
Not to be missed are the performances by the three winning artists of the 1MNEXT Contest: Artarde (Ancona), Giglio (Turin) and Moonari (Rome).
Since 1990, on Workers' Day takes place the traditional Concerto del Primo Maggio, organised by the three main Italian trade unions to celebrate workers' rights, focusing on social issues and current music.
Traditionally known as the 'Concertone', each edition attracts thousands of spectators from all over Italy and abroad, thanks also to the extremely rich line-up that sees the most famous artists on the music scene take turns on stage.
The awaited live event has always had as its backdrop the sumptuous neoclassical façade of St. John Lateran, the oldest of the four main basilicas of the Eternal City.
Exceptionally, this year, the kermesse changes home, moving to another location just as full of history and charm.
In fact, for the 2024 edition, singers and bands will parade from early afternoon until late at night on the stage set up inside the Circus Maximus, one of the greatest works of Roman engineering: the largest building for entertainment in antiquity, the beating heart of Capitoline music that has welcomed, to name but a few, legendary artists such as Bruce Springsteen, Guns 'N' Roses, Imagine Dragons and Travis Scott.
The relocation is due to the rebuilding of Piazza di Porta San Giovanni in Laterano in view of the Jubilee 2025, which includes new paving and the creation of an environmentally sustainable square.
As in previous editions, the Concertone will be free to the public: for details on the singers and presenters who will take part in the first edition of the Concertone at the Circus Maximus, you will still have to wait for official communication from the organisers.
For further information: www.primomaggio.net
1 maggio 2024
Concerti dalle ore 15.15
Opening Noemi, Ermal Meta e Big Mama dalle 13.15