The Teatro Olimpico hosts an exciting show celebrating the music of the legendary British band and the 60th anniversary of the release of the album Hard Day's Night, the soundtrack to the film of the same name.
On stage, Patrizio Angelelli, Claudio Iemme, Roberto Angelelli and Armando Croce perform The Beatles' timeless music, playing and dressing as them: over 40 hits, including She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Twist and Shout, Yesterday, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, All You Need Is Love, Come Together, Let It Be, Hey Jude.
Through five different sets - Beatlemania, Shea Stadium, Sgt Pepper, Summer of Love, Abbey Road - the four artists retrace the musical history of the four boys from Liverpool - John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr - from the streets of Liverpool to the years of the cultural and social phenomenon of 'Beatlesmania', up to the most iconic tracks recorded in the studio.
Not just a simple tribute but an enthralling multimedia live show: written and directed by Roberto Angelelli and Patrizio Angeletti, Beatlestory is an evocative musical journey that, among unforgettable songs, faithfully reproduced costumes, vintage instruments and videos and a spectacular set design, takes the audience back to the age of the 'Fab Four', when these extraordinary musicians revolutionised the world of music, leaving an incredible artistic legacy and profoundly marking the styles and culture of entire generations.
Saturday, 6 April 2024 at 20.30