On the borderline between art, architecture and design, MAXXI and the Haus der Kunst present nineteen immersive works that live from interaction with the public, in organic continuity with the spaces designed by Zaha Hadid.
The exhibition, curated by Andrea Lissoni, Marina Pugliese and Francesco Stocchi, highlights the fundamental contribution of women to the history of this artistic expression and represents the next chapter in the Inside Other Spaces exhibition project. Environments by Women Artists 1956-1976, initiated by the Haus der Kunst in Munich.
On show are works by Micol Assaël, Monica Bonvicini, Judy Chicago, Lygia Clark, Laura Grisi, Zaha Hadid, Aleksandra Kasuba, Kimsooja, Christina Kubisch, Léa Lublin, Nalini Malani, Marta Minujín, Tania Mouraud, Pipilotti Rist, Martha Rosler, Esther Stocker, Nanda Vigo and Tsuruko Yamazaki.
MAXXI continues the German institution's research and extends its original chronology up to 2010, the year in which the architecture of the museum designed by Zaha Hadid was completed.
The new research makes it possible to investigate further critical aspects of the nature of environmental art, bringing to the fore such themes as the relationship with public space, the introduction of new technologies and the consequent active involvement of the spectators.The exhibition project is enriched by Ambiènte Archìvio, an in-depth study realised by MAXXI's Centro Archivi Arte that recounts the evolution of spatial research through the different declinations of the term environment from 1949 to 2010.
Accompanying the exhibition is a programme of performances realised in its spaces, a packed calendar of encounters and a film screening designed to reflect on the concept of environment and how it has been declined and interpreted over time by different generations of artists.
There will also be visits-explorations dedicated to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools; weekend activities for families with children aged 5 to 10 and a cultural mediation service.
In an exhibition that makes public participation and involvement the central theme, there are numerous accessible, multisensory and welcoming projects.
Dal 10 aprile al 20 ottobre 2024
Da martedì a domenica ore 11.00 – 19.00
lunedì chiuso
La biglietteria è aperta fino a un’ora prima della chiusura del Museo
Presso le gallerie 2, 3, 4, sala Gian Ferrari e piazza del MAXXI