In this Jubilee Year, the 12th edition of 24 Hours for the Lord, a Lenten initiative of prayer and reconciliation desired by Pope Francis, is being celebrated in dioceses around the world. As in previous editions, the event will take place on the eve of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, from Friday 28 to Saturday 29 March.
For this edition, within the Jubilee of 2025, particularly dedicated to Hope, the motto chosen by the Holy Father is taken from the words of the Psalmist: You are my hope (Ps 71:5).
Pope Francis has chosen for the 12th edition of the 24 hours for the Lord a particularly significant motto in this year of the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025: You are my hope (Ps 71:5). Each Jubilee has its own particular way of being lived, both because of the historical circumstances and because of the profound content and the concrete way of realising it according to the Holy Father's intention, which is particularly expressed in the Bull of Indiction. The Jubilee 2025 is in the light of the: Spes non confundit, Hope does not disappoint, taken from the Letter of St Paul the Apostle to the Romans. This Holy Year is therefore the Jubilee of Hope, in which everyone, wherever they are in the world, is invited to become a Pilgrim of Hope.
The purpose of the event is to put the sacrament of reconciliation back at the centre of the pastoral life of the Church, hence of our communities, our parishes, all ecclesial realities. This is the centre of the Gospel message: the Mercy of God, which gives us the certainty that before the Lord no one will find a judge, but rather will find a father who welcomes him, consoles him and also shows him the path to renewal.
The Whole Day