The Villa was commissioned by Baron Alberto de Blanc and created by archeologist and architect Giacomo Boni in 1897.
It marks a period of great interest in the history of architecture and decorative arts in the late 19th century Rome and represents a unique example of eclectic art, especially concerning the pictorial and the sculptural decorations: a rare harmonious blend of elements and styles of different ages and cultures.
The heterogeneous language of the Villa is, in fact, partly overcome and reworked with great freedom, even in the use and combination of new materials such as iron, glass, cement, brick, travertine, ceramic and wood.
The Sala del Camino has a 15th century style, the external loggia is decorated with statues and caryatids in neoclassical and Art Nouveau style, the tower is neo-Gothic, the ballroom’s ceilings are inspired by Middle Eastern art and the Winter Garden is a masterpiece of iron and glasswork.
The realization of the Casino Nobile was entrusted to the engineer Francesco Mora who assembled various buildings in a scheme completely free from the forms of a traditional planimetric structure.
Fallen into a state of disrepair in the 1980s, the villa was bought in 1997 by the LUISS University which started its recovery and restoration.
Today the Villa is the headquarters of the Luiss Business School.
Photo credits Luiss Official Website
The villa is now home to the LUISS Business School.
The park of the villa is open to the public
every day from dawn to dusk
from 1 October to 31 March from 7.30 to 19.00
from 1 April to 30 September from 7.00 to 20.00

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