Descrizione: S. MARGHERITA DI ANTIOCHIA The church certifies its origins in C. XIII. Theactual building was raised in 1679 based on a project by Carlo Fontana(1634-1714). The works were then completed in 1683. In 1728 the church wasrestored and consecrated again. In 1892 it was provided with a bell tower. The façade includes two orders. In the lowerpart there is an entry portal crowned by a tympanum and two niches; in thesuperior order there is a big window with two volutes by the sides. The interior, based on a single nave, is articulatedinto a series of pilasters and roofed by a vault. By the high altar there isthe painting S. Margherita in carcere, work by Giacinto Brandi (1623-1691). Onecan also mention the two ovals (1685) by Giuseppe Ghezzi (1634-1721). Insidethe chapel to the left one finds the painting by Baciccia (1639-1709) portrayingthe Immacolata tra i SS. Francesco e Chiara.Collegamenti: Bus 23 -280 - HTram 8
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