Necropoli di S. Rosa lungo la via Triumphalis | Turismo Roma
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Necropoli di S. Rosa lungo la via Triumphalis

Discovered in 2003 during the excavations for the construction of Santa Rosa parking lot, inside the Vatican City, the Via Trimphalis necropolis is the continuation of the “Autoparco”, dug up in the 1950s and open to the public.
During the excavation, many sepulchral buildings and single graves were found, marked by engraved memorial stones, stelae, altars and slabs. Many tombs have been found in excellent state of preservation and can be dated from the Augustan age (27 BC -14 AD) and the age of Constantine (306-337 AD).
Some buildings preserved their frescos and stuccos on the walls and interesting mosaic floors. Sarcophagi and altars decorated with excellent sculptures came to light.


POINT (12.456756079832 41.906107210428)

Online booking is required through the Vatican Museums website.
Languages ​​available for the visit: Italian, English, Spanish, French, German.

Online reservation:
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Necropoli di S. Rosa lungo la via Triumphalis, Piazza Del Risorgimento, snc
Piazza Del Risorgimento, snc
41° 54' 21.9852" N, 12° 27' 24.3216" E


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