It is also known as the Tempietto di Sant'Andrea a Via Flaminia. Nearby, towards the bridge there is also a chapel called Sant'Andrea a ponte Milvio.
It was built in the urban section of the Via Flaminia, between the Porta del Popolo and the Ponte Milvio on a design by Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola.
Pope Julius III had it erected around 1553 within the complex of his suburban villa (Villa Giulia), in memory of his escape from Rome. During the sack of Rome by Charles V's Lansquenets, when he was still a cardinal, he was one of the hostages and was probably destined to be executed. He managed to escape from the city on November 30, the day dedicated by the Catholic Church to the Apostle Andrew, brother of Peter; therefore, it has the function of a votive church, private chapel and rural extra-urban church.It is also known as the Tempietto di Sant'Andrea a Via Flaminia. Nearby, towards the bridge there is also a chapel called Sant'Andrea a ponte Milvio.
It was built in the urban section of the Via Flaminia, between the Porta del Popolo and the Ponte Milvio on a design by Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola.
Pope Julius III had it erected around 1553 within the complex of his suburban villa (Villa Giulia), in memory of his escape from Rome. During the sack of Rome by Charles V's Lansquenets, when he was still a cardinal, he was one of the hostages and was probably destined to be executed. He managed to escape from the city on November 30, the day dedicated by the Catholic Church to the Apostle Andrew, brother of Peter; therefore, it has the function of a votive church, private chapel and rural extra-urban church.The dome and the entire church underwent partial restorations in the years 1826-1830 in which architect Giuseppe Valadier, an author also known for the arrangement of Piazza del Popolo and the Pincio terrace, participated. Further interventions were carried out in 1977 by covering the dome with lead and later in the 1990s, restoring the primitive covering of the dome in "coccio pesto" and thus restoring its original chromatic rendering.In 1950 the church's distinctive polychrome floor was restored under the superintendence of architect Zander, then appointed architect of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
The church is a subsidiary place of worship of St. Eugene Parish.
The building is a brick parallelepiped left exposed on three sides. The facade is of peperino with a portal flanked by pilasters and surmounted by a triangular tympanum. The unique church has a vault set on an oval inner frame, so the dome is an oval semi-calotte. The interior consists of a rectangular hall and a small apse that is also rectangular. The small church, when it was built, was located in the countryside. It is now located between Via Flaminia and Viale Tiziano, at the intersection with Via Luigi Canina and Via Enrico Chiaradia.
Architecturally speaking, despite its minute dimensions, it represents an important testimony to the synthesis between humanistic culture, with its centrally planned churches, and the examples of the longitudinal-planned houses of worship characteristic of the Counter-Reformation, from the second half of the 16th century onward.
For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please contact the church of Sant'Eugenio

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