The parish was erected on 19 September 1960 with the decree of Cardinal Vicar Clemente Micara Neminem fugit and entrusted to the Piceno Province of the Order of the Hermits of St Augustine (Augustinians). The territory, taken from that of Santa Maria Causa Nostrae Laetitiae, following the erection of the new parish of St. Edith Stein, by decree of Card. Vicar Camillo Ruini of 11 October 1998 was determined within the following boundaries: From Via del Fuoco sacro one goes up Via di Tor Bella Monaca. As far as Via Duilio Cambellotti - ideal line as far as Via Moio Alcantara - Via S. Biagio Platani (odd numbers) - Via Giarratana (odd numbers) - Via Siculiana as far as the junction with the Rome-Fiuggi railway line - railway line as far as Via del Fuoco Sacro, including nos. 1701-1721 of Via Casilina 2. Recognition for civil effects of the vicariate measure was decreed on 23 December 1962. The real estate is owned by the pont. Opera per la Preservazione della Fede e la Provista di nuove Chiese in Roma.
For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.

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