Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta e San Giuseppe a Primavalle | Turismo Roma
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Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta e San Giuseppe a Primavalle

The parish was erected on 16 April 1951 by decree of Cardinal Vicar Clemente Micara Simul cum numero and entrusted to the priests of the Congregation of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence (Don Calabria).

The territory, taken from that of the parish of S. Maria della Salute in Primavalle, was determined within the following boundaries: Via F. Borromeo, corner of Via M. Barbarigo - said Street - then, crossing Via S. Igino Papa, one follows said street up to number 90 - from here one takes the lane that has as its axis the garden pertaining to Villa S. Maria (which passes to the new parish) - one flanks the boundary of said garden until descending into Via del Fosso di Primavalle - said Street from the boundary wall of the Villa S. Maria property until reaching Via Bocce di Primavalle - said Street from the boundary wall of the Villa S. Maria property. Maria until it reaches Via Boccea - said Via from Via del Fosso di Primavalle to Via di Torrevecchia - Via di Torrevecchia from Via di Boccea to the line corresponding to the R.P. road that joins Via Torrevecchia with Via B. da Bibbiena - Via G. Aleandro, for the stretch from Via B. da Boibbiena to Via G. Casanate - said Via - Via F. Borromeo, corner of Via Marcantonio Barbarigo. Recognition for civil effects of the vicariate measure was decreed on 18 April 1961.

The real estate is owned by the Pontifical Work for the Preservation of the Faith and the Provision of New Churches in Rome. The architectural design is by Tullio Rossi.


POINT (12.4146865 41.9141185)

For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.


06 6271329
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Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta e San Giuseppe a Primavalle, Piazza Clemente XI
Piazza Clemente XI
41° 54' 50.8284" N, 12° 24' 52.8732" E


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