Located in the lively square of Campo de' Fiori, in the Rione Parione, the 19th-century fountain was built to replace the one known as the Fountain of the Tureen, designed by Giacomo Della Porta in 1590.
This latter remained in the centre of the square until it was dismantled to make room for the monument dedicated to the monk and philosopher Giordano Bruno. It was rebuilt in 1924 in Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, in front of the church of Santa Maria in Vallicella.
Following the restoration of Campo de' Fiori, a new fountain, fed by the Acqua Paola, was rebuilt in the square. It reproduces the basin designed by della Porta in the dimensions and proportions but without the "lid" of the original fountain.
The oval-shaped fountain, located at one end of the square, has an external basin made up of regular blocks of Baveno granite. In the centre is another large basin on a pedestal, decorated with four handles and four rosettes in bas-relief, which pours gushing water from a tall central bronze nozzle in the shape of an elongated bud into the basin below.
Photo credits: Sovrintendenza Capitolina
Campo de’ Fiori

Galleria Spada

Palazzo Farnese


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