The Evangelical Baptist Church consists of an assembly of people who through conversion have established a personal relationship with Jesus Christ: hence the designation Christian church. The congregation is a church in Christ that remains faithful to the gospel, understood as the experience of the life of Jesus and the apostles handed down in the New Testament. Making Christ the guide of one's life determines the appellation evangelical. The Baptist denomination derives from the importance attached to one's confession of faith expressed in the act of baptism by immersion, considered a choice made in freedom, with the awareness that before God each person is responsible for his or her own yes in accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour in one's life. In this way the believer becomes part of the Body of Christ, the local church.
The Valley Theatre Evangelical Baptist Church is a community of believers who profess faith in Jesus Christ. We are an assembly of people who share the same belief beyond all formalism and religious observance for its own sake. We live our faith with participation through communal sharing of God's message, contained in His Word: the Bible. We are nourished by this Word of God, as it is in the Old and New Testaments, through its reading, study and meditation, letting it soak into our daily lives. Being evangelical means precisely being welcoming and consistent with the Word that communicates the Lord's presence to us. Ultimately, we believe that: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:13) illuminate and guide the life of anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as the only saviour.
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