In 1972, Giuseppe Ianni, an ecological operator, with some colleagues, created one of the most loved nativity scenes in Rome.
In limestone and masonry, it has grown over time, also thanks to the gifts received from all over the world, such as the over 2,000 stones, including 350 from various corners of the planet, each with its label, moonstone, and a fragment of a meteorite from Mars.
The Crib faithfully reproduces, in miniature, Palestine of 2,000 years ago and consists of scenes of daily life. From year to year, it gains new details. The Nativity scene of the garbage collectors takes you on a journey to discover a distant world.
It houses a hundred lighted houses built in tufa stone and flint slabs - the typical Roman cobblestones - fifty-four roads, three rivers, overall 9.50 meters long, seven bridges, and four aqueducts made with marble from the colonnade of St. Peter's, left during a restoration.
A video guide with English subtitles and the video translated into LIS (Italian sign language) are supplied during the visit.
Photo: Redazione Turismo Roma
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