Sharing mobility, the choice to share vehicles or routes, is a constantly expanding phenomenon that has now revolutionized the world of traditional transport by making it more innovative, efficient and sustainable. The spread of shared vehicles does not only concern cars and motorbikes but also micro-mobility: electric bikes and push scooters, first and foremost, light, agile and comfortable vehicles for short journeys and quick trips, silent against noise pollution and climate friendly.
In this context, the ‘micro sharing’ service offered by Roma Capitale has recently been redesigned to meet the growing demand for systematic travel. The main innovations concern accessibility and distribution, with more extensive coverage of semi-central and suburban areas, and greater integration with public transport (metro and urban railways). However, great attention was also paid to safety issues (regulation of maximum speed, automatic speed limitation in pedestrian areas and registration reserved for the over-18s) and urban decorum, to ensure respect for common spaces, especially pedestrian areas.
The push scooter sharing service, which started on 1 September 2023 and is operated by the 3 contracted operators Bird, Dott and Lime, was joined at the beginning of November by the new e-bike sharing service, operated by the 2 operators Dott and Lime. For more information, see the dedicated page on the Servizi per la Mobilità portal.