Festa de' Noantri 2022
The traditional event that for decades has involved all the inhabitants of the Trastevere district, together with the many Roman citizens and tourists, returns. The centre and focus of the festival are the celebrations in honour of the Madonna del Carmine, whose devotion dates back 500 years.
In 1505, in fact, some fishermen found, off the mouth of the Tiber, a floating crate with a wooden statue of the Virgin and carried it up the river (hence the name Madonna Fiumarola) to the Church of S. Crisogono in Trastevere.
Even today, during the festival, the effigy of the Virgin is carried in procession both through the streets of the district and by boat along the river.
The celebrations, as always, last for almost two weeks. From 16 July, with the triduum of preparation, until the 26th.
Page constantly being updated
The programme of the event can be found at the following link: http://www.arciconfraternitadelcarmine.it/la-festa/anno-2022/
From 16 to 25 July 2022
The celebrations are streamed live on the Confraternity's Facebook page
Solemn Mass and the Rosary from the church of San Crisogono are also broadcast live on Tv2000