The 78th Season 2022-23 of the IUC - University Institution of Concerts opens, offering a very rich and varied calendar of 37 concerts in the Aula Magna of the La Sapienza University, with some of the greatest interpreters of the international music scene such as Con Joshua Bell, Natalie Dessay, Ivo Pogorelich, Danilo Rea, Patricia Kopatchinskaja and a vast repertoire spanning five centuries of music history.
In fact, they range from Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria to Bach's music, from the lieder repertoire to the masterpieces of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Liszt, Chopin, Ravel, Schumann, Bartók, Prokof'ev, up to contemporary music with Jules Verne by Giorgio Battistelli performed by the Ars Ludi ensemble, Golden Lion and Silver Lion at the 2022 Music Biennale, the Spanish and Latin American repertoire of the twentieth century, or jazz songwriting with new projects by Danilo Rea and Petra Magoni. We also recall the cycles dedicated to Rachmaninov, Skrjabin, Schubert and Mozart with specialists such as Alexander Romanovsky, Mariangela Vacatello, the Cremona Quartet, to which is added a Brahms evening with Giorgia Tomassi and Gabriele Pieranunzi. There is also a space for the new generations with the winner of the Van Cliburn 2022 award and some young talents such as Leonora Armellini, Erica Piccotti and Federico Colli.
Finally, we point out Mozart's Don Giovanni in the form of a concert with the Canova Chamber Orchestra conducted by Enrico Saverio Pagano, with Vittorio Prato in the role of the famous seducer, chosen as the inaugural event of the event.
dal 15 ottobre 2022 al 20 maggio 2023
I concerti si tengono presso l’Aula Magna della Sapienza Università di Roma (Palazzo del Rettorato), piazzale Aldo Moro 5
generalmente il martedì alle ore 20.30 e il sabato alle ore 17.30
Si prega di consultare il programma