Museums, exhibition spaces, and libraries continue their activities on the web and social networks, with many new appointments scheduled until 5 April.
Besides visiting rooms and collections – on the web pages of Musei in Comune and with the five virtual tours dedicated to the Capitoline Museums, the Markets of Trajan, the Ara Pacis Museum, the Napoleonic Museum and the Casino Nobile of the Villa Torlonia – and admiring masterpieces also thanks to the HD images of Google Arts & Culture, from 30 March the Capitoline Museums will launch #GiocaconiCapitolini, a challenge to discover from home the differences between two apparently identical images of some of the museum’s masterpieces: an opportunity to test one’s skills and to find out information and unknown details of art works. The photo contest #FinestresuRoma continues until 3 April, to build together the story of the city that we observe from our homes in these days. Another novelty starting this week is the #ilmuseoincasa project, to learn about the history of civic museums thanks to archaeologists and art historians of the Rome Superintendency. The first video-story scheduled on social channels is dedicated to the secrets of the Centrale Montemartini.
Even big exhibitions continue virtually on social networks and on Facebook pages: for “Canova. Eterna Bellezza”at the Museum of Rome in Palazzo Braschi, this week there will be the publication of beautiful unpublished shots on the masterpieces on display; anecdotes and curiosities about Sergio Leone, on the other hand, will make it possible to continue the visit of “C’era una volta Leone” to the Ara Pacis Museum. For “Artisti che collezionano artisti”, works and artists of the exhibition at the Bilotti Museum will be presented in video. At the Mercati di Traiano - Musei dei Fori Imperiali, the conferences of the cycle “I martedi da Traiano” will also also continue through the free Zoom platform.
Dedicated specifically to children and their families are the creative, recreational and scientific challenges launched by Technotown. You just have to go on the website and choose one of the challenges on the calendar: you play with the objects you have at your disposal using your imagination, logic and creativity. Each team can send the photo of their creation to the e-mail address lab@technotown.it and thus obtain a first score to enter the Hall of Fame, the webpage dedicated to the winners. The initial score may increase based on the likes received on Technotown’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social channels.
Palazzo delle Esposizioni has opened its doors, both on the website and social media, with the #IPianiDelPalazzo project; on the social profiles of MACRO continue the HOW CAN WE RETHINK A CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM? Project. The sky and the stars are the protagonists, from 3 April to 5 June, of “Il cielo dal balcone”: small guides to astronomical observation by the astronomers of the Planetarium of Rome.
Lastly, the Libraries of Rome guarantee free access to ebooks and digital resources. From Monday 23 March, by registering online, you can borrow 7,079 ebooks, more than 7,000 periodicals from 90 countries in 40 different languages, 77,233 music recordings, 127 audiobooks, 93 databases and digital collections, including newspapers and magazines.
All information and updates are available on the websites and the social channel @culturaroma, #iorestoacasa, and #laculturaincasa.