Museums, exhibition spaces, and libraries continue their activities on the web and social networks, with many new appointments scheduled from 23 to 29 March.
Besides visiting rooms and collections – on the web pages of Musei in Comune and with the five virtual tours dedicated to the Capitoline Museums, the Markets of Trajan, the Ara Pacis Museum, the Napoleonic Museum and the Casino Nobile of the Villa Torlonia – and admiring masterpieces also thanks to the HD images of Google Arts & Culture, the civic museums present two contests during the week. With #FinestresuRoma you can participate in a collective story about the city and discover places and stories, posting a photo of what you see from your window. Dedicated to children of all ages, the contest #Unmondoscomparso by the Casal de’ Pazzi Museum is a journey through prehistory through drawings sent by e-mail to info@museocasaldepazzi.it or posted on the museum’s Facebook page.
Archaeologists and art historians of the Capitoline Superintendency describe the story of the main monuments of the city on the social channels: this week it’s the turn of the Traiano Paolo Aqueduct and the remains of the Privata Traiani Domus. The social channels of the civic museums keep on deepening the current exhibitions with videos and posts, starting with “Canova. Eterna Bellezza” and “C’era una volta Sergio Leone.”
Palazzo delle Esposizioni opens its doors, both on the website and social media, with the #IPianiDelPalazzo project. The digital activities program includes lectures on photography techniques and stories, the opportunity to browse past exhibitions with the hashtag #PdERemix, and insights on the exhibitions of Gabriele Basilico and Jim Dine. For the little ones, the offer includes reading tips by the “Scaffale d’Arte” and the “Fatti in Casa” workshops. On the social profiles of MACRO continue HOW CAN WE RETHINK A CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM?, a project describing since early March the program of the new artistic director Luca Lo Pinto; and JOMO - JOY OF MISSING OUT, a one-minute clip series created by artists, musicians, and architects on the museum's IGTV channel.
For the #laculturaincasa campaign, the Libraries of Rome guarantee free access to ebooks and digital resources. From Monday 23 March, by registering online, you can borrow 7,079 ebooks, more than 7,000 periodicals from 90 countries in 40 different languages, 77,233 music recordings, 127 audiobooks, 93 databases and digital collections, including newspapers and magazines.
All information and updates are available on the websites and the social channel @culturaroma, #iorestoacasa, and #laculturaincasa.