Twelve black and white photographs, all taken over the past year in Tunisia, observe with contemporary eyes what remains of the great and fascinating ancient metropolis that was Rome’s antagonist.
The eyes in question are those of Marianne Catzaras, a poet and photographer of Greek origins but born on the Tunisian island of Djerba, an artist with a plural identity as she loves to define herself. The images on display ideally complete the itinerary of the exhibition “Carthago. The Immortal Myth”, specifically the section on the foundation of the new Roman colony after the destruction of Carthage at the end of the Third Punic War.
The ancient monumental town, rich with theaters and luxury homes, still lives in our imagination with its millenary ruins. The memory and soul of the stones through which the city continues to breathe and communicate take shape in the lyrical images of Marianne, who manage to express the profound value of Mediterranean culture, the desire to believe in diversity and mix tracks.
The small but remarkable exhibition is also a further opportunity to discover the contemporary artistic reality of Tunisia and to explore a unique monument: the Domitian ramp, the “secret door” of the emperors, a colossal corridor that crossed the slopes from the Roman Forum Palatine Hill.
Martedì 17 dicembre 2019 a mercoledì 29 marzo 2020
Orario invernale (fino al 31marzo) dalle ore 13:00 alle ore 15:30
Chiuso il 25 dicembre, 1 gennaio e le prime domeniche del mese da gennaio a marzo
Chiuso il venerdì