Although dispositions for the creation of an Archive of the Reign had been issued since 1875, the organization of an autonomous Central Archive dates back to 1953. Since 1960 it has its seat in the EUR district, in the Palazzo degli Archivi created by the Italian architects De Renzi, Pollini, Figini in1938-42. It conserves the documents of historical importance of the central bodies of the Italian State (Prime Minister’s office, Ministries, consultative and jurisdictional bodies) with the exception of the historical archives of the Parliament, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, conserved in their seats. In addition to the historical nucleus, represented by the pre-unitary documents, are worth mentioning: parliamentary surveys carried out between the end of the 10th and the beginning of the 20th centuries; the documents of the Particular Secretariat of Mussolini and the Fascist Party (1922-1945); the fonds of the Ministry of the Interior and the fund of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Trade. Among the correspondence of important people of the political and cultural world are worth mentioning those of: Depretis, Ricasoli, Crispi, Giolitti, Badoglio, Nenni, LaMalfa.
Sala studio
lunedì - venerdì 9.00-18.45; sabato 9.00-13.00
lunedì - venerdì 09.30-19.00
il servizio informazioni bibliografiche e il prestito interno sono aperti dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.30 alle 13.00, il martedì e il mercoledì fino alle ore 19.00. Il prelievo del materiale bibliografico è effettuato dal lunedì al venerdì alle ore 10.00 e alle ore 11.30. Non è consentito il prestito esterno.
Ufficio cassa
lunedì - venerdì 9.00-14.00
Servizio Araldico (solo per appuntamento)
lunedì- venerdi 9.00-13.00

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