It was built in 1450 on the ruins of Pompey's Theatre by Cardinal Francesco Condulmer, nephew of Pope Eugene IV Condulmer (1431-47).
It then passed to the Orsini family, who built the Arpacata Tower, and then to the Pio family, lords of Carpi, who had a new façade built by Camillo Arcucci, with eagles and lions in the window tympanums.
In the 19th century the palace passed into the hands of the banker Righetti, later becoming the headquarters of the Direzione del Lotto and finally a public school.
In the basement of the restaurant "Da Pancrazio", located on the ground floor, you can see ancient remains of opus reticulatum, i.e. small tuff cubes, a technique used by the ancient Romans to construct buildings.
Remains of masonry can also be seen in the 'Grotte di Pompeo' restaurant, whose entrance is located in Piazza del Biscione, and in the 'Teatro di Pompeo' hotel, as well as in the basement garage of the 'Sole' hotel.
Closed to the public, it is only visible from the outside.

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