On the occasion of the forthcoming Night of San Lorenzo, one of the most fascinating and magical moments of the year, Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura and Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali are dedicating the initiative Le Notti di San Lorenzo to the extraordinary spectacle of shooting stars, with three special evenings. After two encounters at the Planetarium of Rome on 10 and 11 August, on 12 August the enchanting archaeological site of the Villa of Maxentius on the Appia Antica, which will be open extraordinarily late in the evening, will host the final event of the festival.
The Planetarium’s astronomers will introduce the evening of sky observation at 9.00 pm, with Una Notte al Circo dei Desideri (A Night at the Circus of Desires), while a screen set up in the area will project the image of the sky acquired in real time by the fisheye webcam of Gianluca Masi's Virtual Telescope, which captures the visible traces of meteors from the sky of Manciano, in Tuscany, the darkest in peninsular Italy. Following this, from 9.30 p.m. to midnight, on the lawn of the Circus of Maxentius there will be the Star Party of San Lorenzo, a gathering of all stargazing enthusiasts with free access (last admission at 11 p.m.). An evening to be spent under the starry sky, away from the city lights, to contemplate the constellations with the naked eye and with the expert guidance of astronomers, and especially the stars of the evening: the Perseids.
An area is also dedicated to children, who, in the company of Dr. Stellarium, will go on a 'shooting star' hunt, retracing their journey through the solar system on an ancient comet.
You can take a seat on the lawn area, bringing along a cushion, cloth or stool, and enjoy this celestial spectacle that has always fascinated us, precisely on the day when the stars fall most frequently.
Lunedì 12 agosto 2024
ore 21.00 - 24.00
> ore 21.00 - Una Notte al Circo dei Desideri
a cura degli astronomi del Planetario (Gabriele Catanzaro, Stefano Giovanardi, Gianluca Masi) .
Proiezione dell’immagine del cielo acquisita in tempo reale dalla webcam fisheye del Virtual Telescope di Gianluca Masi, che catturerà le tracce visibili delle meteore dal cielo di Manciano, in Toscana, il più buio dell’Italia peninsulare.
> ore 21.30 - 24.00 - Star Party di San Lorenzo
Osservazione a occhio nudo del cielo
Si specifica che la Villa di Massenzio è aperta dalla mattina alle 10.00 fino alle 24.00, ultimo ingresso ore 23.00
Appuntamento: Villa di Massenzio - Via Appia Antica 153